Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] out for " in BNC.

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1 Couple of chaps at the school got booted out for that stuff and I never did get round to it . ’
2 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
3 She wondered if the others were playing a joke on her : perhaps they 'd gone out for a walk ; perhaps , at this very moment , they were laughing at the thought of her waiting for a killer who would never come .
4 Obviously he 'd gone out for cigarettes , or lunch — or perhaps — it was a sudden exciting hope — he was upstairs in John 's room , waiting for me there .
5 I had this octopus once in Germany and it , we 'd gone out for a meal and I was gon na have steak and mushrooms and
6 Luke had left the bedroom , and after putting on denim shorts and a little broderie anglaise top , she found him outside on her balcony , with the bamboo table she had recently purchased with four matching chairs set for breakfast , the muesli-type cereal he knew she always ate put out for her along with yoghurt , fruit juice and coffee .
7 I married Melanie , if I 'm honest , because she was the only one who 'd held out for a wedding-ring . ’
8 On his earlier journey across the mountains Giles had looked out for landmarks — a waterfall , an old tree , a small lake .
9 Forest , held to a 1-1 draw at the City Ground , were 3-1 ahead with 17 minutes of normal time left , and deservedly so ; they had come out for the second half bristling with determination to make quality tell .
10 The smile had come out for the landlord , and disappeared when he had left the room .
11 A large number of people had turned out for it .
12 It contained a bible , a penknife with a horn handle , a clay pipe , and the verse which she had written out for him two Christmases ago : ‘ For hearts of truest mettle , Absence doth join and time doth settle . ’
13 As they began work on the new songs Mike Stock had mapped out for their latest discovery , the world 's most successful record producing trio explained they now realised what they had on their hands .
14 Had Louis been inclined to forget the destiny his father had mapped out for him , he would have been forcefully reminded of it in the last decade of his reign , when his chief adviser was Suger , abbot of St Denis between 1122 and 1151 , a man of humble birth consumed by a passionate devotion to the cause of monarchy in the Carolingian mould .
15 I 'd got a stripe pretty quickly but lacked another qualification for the duties the colonel , doubtless a frustrated journalist himself , had mapped out for me .
16 The figure remained absolutely still among the little birch trees and right in the path Stephen had mapped out for himself to take .
17 But Purcell did not set the lyrics in quite the way their writer had mapped out for him .
18 That caveat notwithstanding , those close to Mr Bush insist that there was an effort to get a non-military solution , and that if Saddam Hussein had reached out for it he could have walked away from Kuwait with something gained from his adventure .
19 Neural linkage , brain to brain and brain to computer , was old science , had been pushed to the limit in the years before mankind had reached out for the stars .
20 He launched a great shout of : ‘ Espérance Percy ! ’ behind him , waved a hand at the squire who carried his guidon , settled his lance , and plunged headlong down into the river at the ford they had marked out for the centre , and out again in a flurry of muddy spray on the levels beyond , with the whole company of his knights and squires and mounted men-at-arms hurtling after him .
21 Some other students — but he knew from experience that his mother would want all the details , and he clearly remembered the time he had slipped out for an evening to meet a girl the only girl he had ever really liked .
22 She could have told her guest that the midges were like little piranhas of the air ; but she had n't , and now Betty had found out for herself .
23 He pushed back his chair , and went to change into the evening clothes that Chambers had laid out for him .
24 One morning I went out into the garden to fetch some clothes from the washing line and walked past Gibeau , who was shooting sparrows with his assault rifle , as they fed on grain he had laid out for them .
25 We bought some after we had laid out for most of ours
26 The silence had stretched out for some time .
27 In Roirbak 's laboratory wing , Ari was watching a movie too , though of a slightly different nature to any Roirbak had set out for Nathan 's entertainment .
28 ‘ Yes , I brought her the tray Mrs Porter had set out for her in the kitchen .
29 This is what I had set out for last week . ’
30 Trent had wanted out for so long — out of the secrecy and isolation .
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