Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd rarely been at school , went into domestic service , could n't read , but can write her name , then got married .
2 Inspector , but anyhow , now when I went on the detective staff I 'd only been on the force just over three years
3 I met him at a dance held in the Airmen 's Mess ( so romantic ! ) , when I 'd only been at Binbrook three weeks .
4 ‘ I 'd only been at Rangers five minutes when he offered me the use of his villa in Florida .
5 She 'd only been at school 2 months and she was found to be blind .
6 first time I ever one , was old Freddie and I 'd , I 'd only been to depot .
7 But he 'd only been inside the place a few minutes .
8 And er I remember one one chap he were a bit scared , very much so , and oh dear dear dear , he 'd only been within other bloke , a chap A chap from , what was his name now ?
9 I 'd only been in Monty 's poky little office for ten minutes and already he had given me two priceless lessons in my future profession — to make sure I dressed properly , and never be afraid to ask the question " Why ? "
10 He 'd only been in eighteen months , ’ said the Bishop , in the manner of a man who is used to a longer temporal perspective .
11 She 'd only been in Dane 's company for a matter of days , but he 'd left a mark on her , a mark it could prove impossible to erase .
12 I was a gunner , I 'd only been in er
13 Christ , I 'd only been in the hospital for about ten minutes before I snuffed it ! ’
14 Glancing at the clock on the wall now , Rory realised to her amazement that he 'd only been in the farmhouse for three hours .
15 That were in the freezer and they 'd obviously been in there for a bit too long .
16 Well , it was n't till the Tuesday of the week after when we 'd all been to the funeral at the crematorium that Inspector Bush came in again .
17 For this one date they were supported by the Billy Harper Trio with Peter Stuart and Adrian Tilbrook on bass and drums and they fitted in as if they 'd all been on tour together .
18 Perhaps they had some kind of masonic understanding , they 'd all been through the same initiation .
19 I mean , alright a few mad things happened and everything and when I came home I was whacked because we 'd just been on a big adventure theme park for a month .
20 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
21 ( She told me later she 'd just been in hospital .
22 When we 'd finished I asked if we could wash up and run the errands but she said she 'd already been to the shops with her brother .
23 I 'd already been to the forest couple of times as a student and thought it was the most wonderful place .
24 Well they 'd already been to the pantomime at your school so you 'll have to wait till next year now .
25 And she 'd already been with me for several years before we met , so you felt that perhaps she knew me better than you did , and you hated that . ’
26 He was sentenced to twelve months in jail but was released when the court heard he 'd already been in custody for ten months .
27 The mist , blotting out Wickrithe , seemed to banish her tension and sense of danger ; she and Adam were alone and safe , as they 'd always been on Starr Hills .
28 As far as I knew he 'd always been on the level , and certainly there was no harm in his treating the Fraser girl after the shock she 'd presumably had .
29 yeah and he went and she said well it that 'd always been across that road
30 The way they 'd always been for his people : the fishers , the hunters .
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