Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] that he " in BNC.

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1 Previous to the Revolution Ras Tafari expected daily that he would be imprisoned which , in his opinion , would have been the equivalent of a death sentence ; and accordingly he confided his will and all his available money to me in order that I should arrange for its transmission to the Bank of England in trust for his children .
2 He realised suddenly that he had to go to the bathroom .
3 It was on the tip of his tongue to observe that Burun was no more or less trustworthy than he had ever been , but he realised suddenly that he would be stating the obvious .
4 Yet each time that third line came round the tune seemed to gather itself up and find new energy from somewhere , and perhaps it did n't fall quite so far each time in the fourth , and Tabitha was captivated despite herself , watching the pretty man play and wondering how he would end it , how he could ever resolve the disagreement between the rush and the ebb , until she realized suddenly that he had , with a quiet , lilting little rill that ran up and then down and flicked its tail and was gone .
5 But he demonstrated yesterday that he is now back on song and he is looking forward to a good run in the National Championships at Newark at the end of the month .
6 It was only as they drew nearer that he began to make out that it was the concrete skeleton of an unfinished three-storey duplex , its half-built walls , pillars and floors rising out of a sea of mud .
7 D maintained throughout that he had not intended to kill , but there was evidence from which the jury could infer — and did infer — that he intended to cause grievous bodily harm .
8 It helped enormously that he also happened to enjoy affairs with women , and that when he was acting on stage , his sexual proclivities were not such a problem as he was less in the public eye .
9 I mentioned earlier that he was like Slim — more intelligent and caring than most , and very different .
10 She doubted then that he had felt very much like climbing trees or swimming in the river for some long while after he had lost his parents .
11 Friends such as Edward Clodd , who expected Hardy to be relieved by her death in 1912 , found instead that he was overcome with remorse for neglecting one whom he had once loved so well .
12 Mr Lawler never mentioned again that he 'd refuse to go , aware now that was a stance he 'd have to back down from when the time came .
13 Take striker Dalian Atkinson , who joked afterwards that he got his speed by being chased by dogs as a youngster .
14 It was only once he got outside that he became aware of what the good people were chanting .
15 Although the criteria did not have the status of legal rules , Cox argued nevertheless that he had a legitimate expectation that the Home Secretary would follow them when deciding whether the applicant 's telephone would be intercepted .
16 He murmured discreetly that he would like a little word with her privately .
17 McLeish , who had a built-in prejudice , well supported by experience , against statements incorporating an appeal to belief , noted dourly that he might at some later stage need to get closer to Yeo Davis 's accounts .
18 On April 2 a statement issued on behalf of the UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , noted merely that he was " gravely concerned about reports of heavy fighting and bloodshed in both northern and southern Iraq " .
19 Williamson felt he had a special bond with Hitler , and even at times imagined aloud that he had spoken to him on that fateful Christmas day .
20 She noticed belligerently that he did add ginger ale to the brandy .
21 He started up the stairs , but Burun sidestepped so that he was standing in the way .
22 But Mr Akers reiterated yesterday that he saw no long-term change in economic assumptions or any downturn in demand for the company 's products .
23 At the rime his Jewish appearance did not strike me as peculiar because I had not yet got used to the idea of people thinking racially , but I learnt later that he was half Jewish and that he did this job to keep his Jewish wife out of trouble .
24 I learnt later that he and some of his lords considered I was wrong to have a conversation with enemies of Lilliput .
25 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
26 He believed then that he was going to die .
27 It seemed therefore that he might outrun America in making agreements with Moscow and provoke a breach with Washington .
28 BRITAIN 'S loudest man revealed yesterday that he competed for the title after neighbours complained about his singing in the bath .
29 Senator Ted Kennedy revealed yesterday that he is to wed lawyer Victoria who 's father is to stand trial over an alleged fraud .
30 BILL KOCH admitted yesterday that he had hoped ‘ to dethrone the king ’ , but Dennis Conner 's Stars & Stripes had totally humbled Koch 's Kanza in the sail-off for the America 's Cup defenders ' semi-final trial on Monday off San Diego .
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