Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] at school " in BNC.

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1 I tried hard at school because I was most happy there — not at home where girls are not allowed to go out even with their female friends .
2 For two years Anne studied hard at school .
3 Will the few surviving traditionalists who wore Pakamacs first time round , dripping and steaming simultaneously on forlorn summer holidays or jeered unmercifully at school , take to bright colours ?
4 She always worked well at school .
5 She 'd known he was growing up peculiar — he did badly at school , and had no friends — but she 'd begun to see , from living in the same house as him again , how different he was from other kids .
6 Partial topic framework existing in a conversation between K ( 20+ , female , Edinburgh-resident , university student , … ) and J ( 60+ , male , Edinburgh-resident , retired , … ) in P Working Men 's Club , Edinburgh , … ) at T ( early evening , spring , 1976 , … ) mentioning ( J's three children — J ‘ s brothers — the schools they attended — the schools J attended — that J did badly at school — J left school at fourteen ) when K asks J what he did after he left school J : oh I done odd jobs like + paper boy + chemist 's shop worked in a chemist shop + and done two or three others+ and I finally started in the bricklaying + so I served my time as a bricklayer + K : that 's good money J : nowadays it is but in that + when my time was out it wasn't+ it was only three pounds nine a week + so + + K : my father was a stonemason and he started at home + and they were paid a halfpenny an hour extra for being left-handed + +
7 Despite this , she was a bright child and did well at school .
8 I did well at school because I was in love with and afraid of my teachers .
9 But you should not simply stick to subjects in which you did well at school .
10 ‘ He did well at school — Mina thought he was a genius-and actually got a year in college .
11 His mother — God rest her — had got more of a spark out of him when they went to nearby Ballymahon and Oliver Goldsmith 's birthplace , but that was only because he had already at school learned off by heart the whole of ‘ The Deserted Village ’ .
12 So in the afternoons Anne and some of her friends stayed late at school , and Miss Stacy helped them with the special examination work .
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