Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] four [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Assembly on the other hand met only four times in each prytany ( tenth part of the year , i.e. a bit longer than a month ) ; extra meetings could no doubt be called ( though the word usually taken to refer to such meetings , sunkletos , may just mean a meeting called at short notice ) .
2 Once the great white hope of our consumer electronics industry , Amstrad lost £15.2m in the six months to December , a far cry from the £160m profits made only four years ago .
3 All the expeditions to Antarctica before 1969 had together found only four meteorites .
4 But the campaigners found only four fridges which were on the list of ozone-friendly household appliances .
5 It occurred exactly four weeks after the frogs .
6 The harassment occurred just four months after the sixteen-year-old , from Lurgantarry , started her first job as a YTP trainee at workshop in Co Armagh , the hearing heard .
7 Earnings per employee rose over four times between 1975 and 1982 , while the cost of living index rose only three times .
8 The 19-year-old from Inverurie has won seven world ranking titles and suffered only four defeats in the past ten months .
9 His votes are included in the 5.2 quotas received by UUUC candidates at Stage I but in spite of this UUUC secured only four seats and supplied the runner up , Oliver ( Un ) .
10 Sad to say he OD 'd about four years later … ’
11 The Bull Ring , completed by Laing Developments in 1964 , rammed together four levels of shopping , a market hall , a multi-storey car park , an office block , a bus station and a banqueting suite all in one vast complex .
12 The Yugoslav media ( which claimed only four fatalities from these incidents ) said that police had acted in self defence after demonstrators fired on them with automatic weapons .
13 We sign , ’ he told reporters as he arrived nearly four hours after the scheduled start of the talks .
14 Mr Izetbegovic arrived nearly four hours after the scheduled start of the talks and told reporters it was ‘ now up to the international community ’ — a reference to UN Security Council or United States pressure on Serbs to sign .
15 This happened maybe four times .
16 Leeds ' first four games have produced 15 goals and seven points and they are within sight of surprise leaders QPR — while Liverpool have conceded six goals and collected just four points .
17 Sir John Arundell , who built it , inherited a fortune from his father , also Sir John , who had lived during five reigns and served under four monarchs .
18 The initiative has a large core project located at London Business School , a group of smaller research teams forming a supplementary core , and then a group of projects arranged around four themes : Finance , Skills , Product Markets and Collaboration .
19 After recovering from a virus infection , Veronique Marot ( 35:57 ) knocked almost four minutes off the course record in winning the Huddersfield Road Runners 10K …
20 ‘ We met about four years ago .
21 His name was Mr Frankland , and he lived about four miles to the south of the Hall .
22 FOUR Warwickshire bowlers shared 244 wickets last summer , yet their batsmen delivered only four centuries .
23 The second set took just 24 minutes as Ivanisevic lost only four points on serve , banged down eight aces and broke Sampras 's serve twice .
24 Mobberley lost only four wickets and needed only 31 overs to score the runs on a low-scoring weekend .
25 In that context , he said , the Budget should be ‘ considered alongside the Autumn Statement I delivered just four months ago ’ .
26 Champion hit as four shots frittered away US MASTERS GOLF Michael Williams at Augusta
27 Larry Hagman haggled almost four times his own fee to re-enrol after the ( un-mortal ) shooting .
28 Essentially , the boom revolved around four figures who rapidly became international celebrities — Cortázar , Fuentes , García Márquez and Vargas Llosa — and , in the wake of their success , other writers such as Lezama Lima , Donoso and Cabrera Infante came to prominence .
29 Alicia died only four years after the Royal Fort was ‘ completed ’ and Thomas seems never to hade have the heart to complete a work that breathes an air of happy domesticity .
30 When , in May 1949 , a UN resolution recommending the re-establishment of full diplomatic relations with Spain fell only four votes short of achieving the requisite two-thirds majority , Franco interpreted this as vindicating his stance .
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