Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] like a " in BNC.

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1 Cranston snored gently like a child , muttering now and again and smacking his lips .
2 Charles behaved rather like a landlord who could take a long view of the future and expect his possessions to provide him with an income in the fullness of time .
3 The lightning was the forked kind and it branched suddenly like a firework and yet like the limb of a blazing tree .
4 ‘ And built just like a jukebox , I 'll bet . ’
5 Rincewind ducked , jerked backwards like a tumbler , and came up running .
6 Mrs Healy moved away like a ship under full sail .
7 ‘ He behaved throughout like a perfect gentleman , ’ cried Fräulein Müller angrily at the top of her voice .
8 His chronic disease , which erupted periodically like a benign volcano , was his insurance policy .
9 Whenever she settled down , posed gracefully like a romantic heroine , Isolde or Deirdre , gazing wistfully out over the battlements south towards her beloved , her mother 's sharp voice would echo up the stair .
10 It swelled , diminished , and swelled again like an oratorio .
11 The ingenuity of it was that it operated exactly like a Jacquard loom , which is a loom for weaving tapestries without human control no matter how intricate or varied the design .
12 With David Dimbleby and Peter Sissons occupying curvy command modules jutting out over a sea of computer screens and flashing lights , it seemed rather like a cross between the deck of the Starship Enterprise and an Italian disco .
13 Darwin , with his inherited money , doing little experiments in his garden and studying what we would call ecology , seemed rather like a survival from the eighteenth century : the new way to end arguments about animals seemed to be through chemistry .
14 The ladies wore their underwear , which , far from revealing anything , seemed rather like a ribbed pink carapace , but did in some measure convey the sordidness of their profession .
15 Though these bits , unashamedly sentimental , met with laughter , it seemed most like a nervous release of the tension of the previous scenes .
16 In fact , the whole programme had an unsually philosophical undercurrent ( quoting , for example , philosopher Mary Midgeley ) — so much so that it sometimes seemed less like a current affairs report than an enquiry into a fundamental shift in Western attitudes to nature .
17 ‘ I 'm sure I would , ’ he said , and she felt almost overcome by a tide of relief because it was all right , at last he understood … and then he took his two hands away from hers on the table , and his smile and his entire attitude dropped away like a paper mask .
18 The luckless creature , who confessed to coming from Leeds as though it were an explanation of the folly , abandoned it all and trudged home like a beaten cur .
19 Fortunately for Waller , Thursday night 's events seemed more like a suicide pact involving all the polling firms .
20 Zach 's room seemed more like a study than a bedroom .
21 The dawn played strange tricks with the pond : it was no longer a muddy puddle , less than ten yards in diameter , but a shining expanse of water , tinted red and silver , and fringed by a belt of trees that seemed more like a forest than the overgrown shrubbery it really was .
22 In reality , the approach seemed more like a polite version of gate crashing .
23 Seemed more like a slap in the face to me , ’ he said .
24 Seven years ago he 'd gone away , leaving her nothing but the cup to remember him by ; it was so long ago that Crazy Jake , with his wide strange eyes and his queer stories , seemed more like a creature from a dream than a flesh-and-blood father .
25 Those few days seemed more like a year to me .
26 A day that seemed more like a dream than real life .
27 ‘ But there , it seemed more like a compliment ’ , he says with a grin .
28 Oh , yes , I got to know these well as I slunk past like a hungry fox in a deserted kitchen yard .
29 Those few short months with Tony seemed sometimes like a dream to her .
30 But all that seemed almost like a simple happy life , now that he knew the real questions .
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