Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [vb -s] in " in BNC.

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1 But I said there was a lot lower than you got only passes in your grade .
2 Raised in London , he suffered polio in childhood and endured long spells in hospital .
3 They went more and more slowly , and made long halts in the peat-cuts .
4 Several countries , especially in eastern Europe , reported further increases in forest damage during 1989 but in others the rate of defoliation appeared to have stabilized or actually decreased .
5 Fears that President Clinton will raise cigarette taxes triggered overnight falls in Philip Morris , and sent BAT 34p lower to 926p , with Rothmans losing 19p to 603p .
6 She had worshipped Hendry as she watched him on TV marching to his second Embassy world title last April and made nightly notes in her diary detailing her adulation .
7 ‘ I probably committed more fouls in that game than I have throughout my entire career — I was that determined to do well . ’
8 To allege that a distinction between rulers and ruled always exists in large and complex societies does not really say very much beyond the fact ( which is not disputed , except by certain anarchists ) that such societies can not be run by everyone simultaneously .
9 It is odd to reflect that the firmest objective record of what we experienced now lies in the films — themselves mere illusory genii of chemicals and light , bound to 400-foot reels of processed trees and silver .
10 Canada has shut down virtually all cod fishing on its east coast and made deep cuts in quotas for other species .
11 The specifications of competitive equipment demanded further increases in R&D expenditure by EMI .
12 But the commission demanded deep cuts in capacity in return for its support .
13 It was to hot for practising anyway and despite our limited preparations we won both matches in St Thomas and Tortoal quite comfortably .
14 Mr Kim 's ruling Democratic Liberal Party had easy wins in three by-elections .
15 Employers pay a hefty price if the executive relocated overseas fails in the post — for whatever reason — and is forced to return home .
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