Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Where Methodism succeeded locally it tended to be of the brand , Lady Huntingdon 's , which appealed most to middling townsfolk .
2 When I got halfway I heard the angry voice of the French maid saying very aggressively : ‘ You got nobody like Napoleon ! ’
3 But Bernard fainted so she took him into casualty .
4 The fat seemed to heat up more rapidly than she expected so she put in the steak and a great sizzling and searing went on and the air became full of blue smoke .
5 But when you got inside you found it was ugly , crude , bourgeois .
6 er after they got so you had n't got no more life in them we used to weld short bits onto .
7 The next morning when they got together everyone had got a model .
8 Nobody cared much what happened to it .
9 At the age of sixteen , cos there was hardly anybody else at the place where I lived so it went down to sixteen year olds .
10 He had a number of handbills which he was distributing to everyone who passed so I took one nonchalantly and his kind , brown eyes smiled .
11 All the doors were locked and bolted so I climbed out through the kitchen window and dropped into a bed of lavender .
12 We had these two things , we had to try to get women involved so I had women fronting For What It 's Worth ( Penny Junor , Sally Hawkins ) .
13 He described exactly what had really happened .
14 As Louise moved away she experienced a powerful urge to grab the massager and tug it close to her secret places again but she did not dare .
15 She knew someone 's shaking hands were on Damian 's tie , pulling it loose , pushing his dark blue jacket to the floor , but they could n't be her hands — she would n't do such a thing ; and as their hoarse breathing mingled further she realised his shirt was completely unbuttoned and that she was staring at his bare chest and it was exactly as she had known it would be .
16 Er I u used like I did with the adds and
17 As they drew nearer they became conscious of a high pitched humming noise .
18 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
19 This time it proved to be the tunnel 's end , and as he drew nearer he saw the shadowy outline of a ladder etched against the concrete .
20 As it drew nearer he became quiet and moody .
21 As I drew nearer I noticed that half of the roof had gone and there was a large gaping hole in the wall at the side of the cottage .
22 She described carefully what had happened while she was in Horsfall Woods , and to prove she was telling the truth she showed the police-sergeant the torn envelope .
23 Refreshed bodily we filled the nearby Church of the Annunciation for our Holy Hour , followed by a torchlight procession to the Grotto in the grounds of Elham House .
24 As he drew near they heard the sickening crack of the rod striking flesh ; once , twice they heard it fall but it brought no anguished shout of pain in response .
25 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
26 Instead he thought only of his personal safety , and as the army from Addis Ababa under the formidable Dedjazmatch Balcha drew near he fled into the Danakil desert .
27 As the train drew near she looked out for Rough Stones , the house up on the hillside where they had made their first home ; but it was night , and all she saw was a glimmer that could as well have been a shepherd 's lantern .
28 As he drew near she made a half-hearted move to rise .
29 occurred probably nobody got paid anyway
30 That 's a good job I found now you said it was a letter head paper , well that ai n't a letter head paper !
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