Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 There were no accidents unless you count ‘ Survival ’ wildlife cameraman Dieter Plage being run down by an enraged tusker who passed right over him as he lay on the ground .
2 Rose fussed discreetly around him but he could not remain the centre of attention for long .
3 For those first few fraught seconds she just gazed dumbly at him .
4 It crept stealthily towards him over the mud , advancing , retreating , advancing again like a living creature stalking its prey .
5 She gazed shyly at him , her large red cheeks and wide bulging lips spreading out beneath two round blue eyes .
6 He could hurt those who cared most about him — his parents when he became a monk and Mirfield when he followed his resignation with a national television account of what was personal and private .
7 Oliver , being left to himself in the undertaker 's shop , set the lamp down on a workman 's bench , and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of awe and dread , which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to understand .
8 Matthew McIllvanney , even by the standards of the expatriate retired Americans who lived all around him , was a rich man .
9 From the beginning she had never tried to pretend that she was in love , although she was very fond of him , and Fred had told her he was happy that she cared enough for him to become his wife .
10 But she did n't mind as she cuddled his warm little body next to hers , played hide-and-seek under the bedclothes , or read aloud to him .
11 Helen had drawn Edward into this sheltered place , and read aloud to him .
12 Father Poole gazed thoughtfully at him , noticing the way his hand shook .
13 Frightened by what had happened , the girl bent nervously over him .
14 The man stood up and moved slowly towards him .
15 She shook her head as she moved slowly towards him .
16 Rachel moved slowly towards him , her eyes intent on his dark , handsome profile .
17 So off we went out and we played our football , and I came back , and we were sneaking in through the back door and bumped right into him .
18 But as she moved instinctively beneath him he buried his face in her hair with a groan and then plunged into the very flower of her being .
19 Her eyes on where to place her feet , she failed to notice that Travis had come to a halt , and cannoned right into him .
20 One first-year student , whose father was a nuclear physicist , referred constantly to him during her interview , even on one occasion prefacing an answer with ‘ I know what my father would say … ’ .
21 Eachuinn Odhar bowed his head in acknowledgement of the murmur of assent that rose all round him .
22 To Bernard alone Laura admitted she was unable to compromise , a talent she rated highly in him but was unable to foster in herself .
23 Serve him right if she sneezed all over him .
24 A white waterfall of plaster burst down from the ceiling and slapped and pattered all over him .
25 Worried , she moved gently towards him as his speech grew ever faster .
26 He was n't touching her , but even so Robbie strained away from him , the hard edge of the wooden top bruising her spine .
27 She moved easily towards him , and he would have backed away but for the stone wall against his shoulders .
28 She looked sad as she drew away from him .
29 She drew away from him , feeling the cold sap of fear .
30 In Alexandra 's expression as she drew away from him , stepped back , turned to leave , in her brown eyes , Matthew read a hundred messages .
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