Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] had [art] " in BNC.

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1 But even then research into the old approved schools showed children who experienced them had a reconviction rate 49 per cent higher than would otherwise have been expected from their characteristics and records .
2 ‘ I had ridden Ile de Bourbon for trainer Fulke Johnson Houghton in all of his home gallops and also won on the colt in the King Edward VII stakes at Royal Ascot but when Piggott asked me had the horse made any improvement from then and before the big King George race I had to tell him that I was unaware of it just in case he might want to take over .
3 As the ship sailed away , I realized I had no idea where I was .
4 ‘ There was really no need — I realised I had a sweet and cheeses , you must have been starving . ’
5 A forward has a sixth sense and from an early stage I realised I had the corner back in my pocket .
6 ‘ I turned round one day and admitted I had a problem , ’ he said .
7 ‘ I turned round one day and admitted I had a problem and booked myself into a clinic . ’
8 However an X-ray at 38 weeks revealed I had an enormous pelvis so a relatively normal birth was on the cards .
9 I mentioned I had a daughter , Julia .
10 When I moved to the Western Isles of Scotland I found I had no need to go as far as Norway for my Elysian coast ; there were mountains and sea in plenty right at my doorstep .
11 I found I had a code . ’
12 And I found I had a room all to myself .
13 It was in the pleasure area , as usual , that I found I had a problem .
14 When I resumed my studies I found I had a lot of catching up to do . ’
15 Yeah and that 's another thing I found I had a letter from the Social Security saying would you please send your order book back you 're not entitled to any more money , your sickness benefit 's run out , I thought it ca n't have , I do n't go back until the twenty fifth of March , phones up for the appointment I got it on the fifth of March , nine days ago
16 I found I had the best of both worlds .
17 But in the severe turbulence that I encountered I had no control over my canopy and there was very little that I could do .
18 Because she had no man , Clare also suddenly found she had no public identity and was not likely to get asked to dinner parties , for society seemed to move only in couples .
19 But on receiving no reply , he seemed hellbent on goading her , and she found she had no chance to be passive , meek and mild , when he went on to taunt , ‘ You 're paid well , I 'll grant , but even so … ’ his eyes flicked over her good quality suit which , while not drawing attention to her figure , had been costly ‘ …
20 She secured her garage door and , having decided to walk round to the front of the building to find out what Naylor was so furious about , she turned around — and found she had no need to go anywhere .
21 Dr Nick Walters , exercise physiologist at the University of Westminster , tested Margaret on his Futrex 5000 computer , which analyses body muscle , fat and water , and found she had a fat proportion of 28 per cent — well above her recommended level of 22 per cent .
22 Never having been aboard a ship before , she found she had a natural liking for the sea life : she suffered no seasickness at all , and as João had sent an excellent chef to cook her meals , she dined well and developed a taste for the green wine of Portugal .
23 Suddenly Rachel found she had a lump in her throat .
24 She pretended she had no idea what he meant .
25 Says Payne : ‘ We found we had a tremendous amount in common , a real northern European outlook with people from the Pacific rim , Siberia or the Russian heartlands .
26 Smith Kline Beecham spokesman Alan Chandler said : ‘ Once we found we had a slightly higher incidence of mumps-meningitis we notified the authorities .
27 ‘ Allowing for the generation gap , we found we had a surprising amount in common .
28 It all started sixteen years ago when our children went to school for the first time and we found we had a gap in our lives to fill .
29 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
30 And I 'll tell you something more : it would have been hidden up , as many another 's been , an' she would have been dumped somewhere , or found in the canal , but one of the lasses that found her had a screaming fit and ran out into the street , went barmy , they said , yelling , ‘ She 's hung herself !
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