Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is they who plucked starving kids from the back streets and made them into heroes before they sank into oblivion mentally and metaphorically .
2 when they wore thin on the end and we had to put a new link in we never threw the two halves of the link away , we pointed them and made them into staples .
3 While Violette entertained them with stories of increasing complexity , Katherine from beneath lowered lids stole occasional glances at Carlo .
4 That evening , in the hall , Mariot entertained them with songs , accompanied by the harp , to their enjoyment ; although Ramsay qualified his rapture by some regret that , there being insufficient room in their ingle-neuk for playing the harp , she had to perform outside it , and he was deprived of the nearness which he found so much to his taste .
5 He not only met them off trains , got taxis , and frequently turned up at theatres to see how they were getting on , but would also dip into one of his baskets and present each Girl with a bar of chocolate .
6 He led them along corridors and walkways until they came to a double set of metal-barred gates .
7 But travellers in Latin America in the early twentieth century found there stations which led them into rhapsodies of praise .
8 De Valois , Ashton and MacMillan have studied paintings and drawings by English artists and/or the words of such great playwrights as Shakespeare and translated them into gestures for which the dancer 's whole body has to play a part .
9 Moreover , users had access to files or documents held by social services that concerned them as individuals .
10 He asked me about costs and what exactly I 'd been doing .
11 Martin Peak and Karen Brielly died when soldiers mistook them for terrorists when they roared through a roadblock .
12 This led me into programmes like Tom Keating , Every window tells a story , which was about stained glass , Tudor miniatures , Edwin Mullins doing a Love Affair with Nature , Paintability , that wonderful Pottery Ladies series on the old ladies who painted all the original designs for Charlotte Rheade , Clarice Cliff and Susie Cooper — in that series you had a fantastic combination of feminism , oral history , skill , design , all in one series .
13 But the house hanging over the cliff got me into agonies of suspense , and I was amazed , when the dark came without bombs , by how the black on the screen , especially the black of Charlie Chaplin 's suit , his moustache , hat and rolling intense eyes , fitted the darkness of the little cinema .
14 He looked at his big , hammy hands , lying loosely on the table and suddenly doubled them into fists .
15 Petri often quoted the older man 's opinion : ‘ He called me his most genuine pupil and tried everything to further me , recommended me to managers and conductors , sent to me all the pupils he did not want to take , and was instrumental in getting me the appointment of Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Manchester , England , where I remained from 1905 to 1911 ’ .
16 Were I to tell that story to my own son and tell him too of the subsequent shame and guilt that haunted me for months and is still so deeply etched in my memory , he would laugh and wonder what it was all about .
17 I did n't say anything about this to my parents at the time , but the sight haunted me for years .
18 But that first meeting , that mysterious … how shall I say , message from her light , from her light to my shadow , haunted me for weeks .
19 Tickets were printed and he sold them to friends for 1&shilling. each …
20 And sold them to children who passed by his door
21 Er it 's er it 's a ex W D lens , after wartime they sold these things they sold them in catalogues and I sent of for this one , and it 's about a stone and a half in weight .
22 For another two and a half years I survived the mosquitoes and grew to love the people and was just looking forward to my first home leave when a letter from the Superior General appointed me to Vocations Director in the South of England !
23 Messiahs appeared , as we all know , under the procuratorships of Cuspius Fadus and Antonius Felix , and Josephus decried them as men who deceived and deluded the people by their pretence of having received from God in the wilderness the signs of liberty ( Jos .
24 When we asked them for details about their visit they were very coy .
25 Mainly under the influence of Pietro Bembo , the codifier of the Tuscan speech as the literary language of Italy in his Prose della Volgar Lingua ( 1525 ) , there had been an extraordinary revival of interest in Petrarch and the patrons of the frottola-composers , such as the Mantuan Duchess Isabella d'Este , asked them for settings of Petrarch 's sonnets and strophic canzoni .
26 Jane , as the nearest thing to a next-door neighbour , asked them to drinks that weekend .
27 Addressing questions to a class of primary school children in a rural school at the time of the Passover , I asked them about places in the Bible where there were sheep .
28 Well I 've been , I 've just bought , I bought some on Monday for Laura and I got them from Rascals .
29 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
30 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
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