Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 He asked me for £100,000 to help him pay legal fees .
2 They asked me for £400,000 each .
3 The woman was in her early forties and she asked me for £5 straight away .
4 YOU recently mentioned con tricks well , I was waiting at Lime Street Station for my mother when a well-dressed man with a briefcase asked me for £1 .
5 Sir Stafford Cripps in 1950 pegged them at £410 million .
6 A group of Czech teenagers allegedly made a few hundred copies of locally-produced computer software packages and sold them for $10 a piece , after advertising them via direct mail-shots .
7 However , the investor who had the luck or foresight to predict the fall could have bought November puts with an exercise price of 260p for 10p and sold them for 25p making a gross profit of 150 per cent .
8 Mrs Maxwell provided him with £500,000 after the death of her husband Robert because her son was in trouble , she says in an affidavit signed for liquidators of the private Maxwell companies .
9 Most lucrative of all , at the end of his life , was his farm of the customs on imported silks , which provided him with £1,333 per annum up to 1610 and £7,000 per annum for the next two years .
10 The bank provided him with £40,000 which , coupled with his redundancy money , provided the £70,000 he needed to get started .
11 His second outing was particularly encouraging , since the filly who beat him at Headquarters was none other than Henry Cecil 's Felucca , already a leading fancy for next year 's Classics .
12 The Mercers fixed it at £100 in 1503 ; either it was not enforced or the assessments are thoroughly unsatisfactory .
13 She used it with people who did n't know her very well .
14 Right from the days of the early caveman when he used fire not only for cooking but he also used it as means of lighting and keeping his family warm er during the winter months .
15 Mr Boyd told them that the name ‘ Buller ’ derived from the French bouloir , reduced by local folk to ‘ the Pot ’ , in which cauldron Dr Johnson now gambolled with a certain heartiness , speculating upon the depth of the caves , and their uses for smugglers and pirates , or shelters for boatmen : Mr Boyd also told them of people from Peterhead holding picnics in one of the caverns .
16 I photographed them as people first and models second .
17 David Poole , who was to play the leading soldier , told me that ‘ I thought sometimes he worked out his ideas for ballets on his puppets , then simply transferred them to people ’ .
18 He even told him about Fruit Juice and the manner of Trimmler 's death .
19 Y'know I I drove the minibus with only somebody in with me before I drove it with people in it
20 They would ask me into their classes to watch them teach ; they gave me time for interviews ; they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I at various points in my research I erm attempted to feed back to them some of the material that I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this and I would erm use those meetings then to refine my ideas .
21 They asked me into their classes to watch them teach , they gave me time for interviews , they allowed me into staff meetings and departmental meetings and I erm at various points in my research I attempted to feed back to them some of the material I was coming up with , and we would have meetings to discuss this .
22 Edward Jenner was himself a keen inoculator , but he was impressed by the apparently safer prophylactic effects of the mild natural disease of cowpox ; a zoonosis often caught by milkmaids which apparently protected them from smallpox , as he demonstrated in his paper of 1798 .
23 Horsley 's father , Alec , put in £7,000 Nick Horsley , for once , bettered him with £10,000 .
24 In 1963 Vine and Matthews , two Cambridge geophysicists , took up the idea of sea-floor spreading and linked it with data on the palaeomagnetic anomalies observed along mid-oceanic ridges ( Fig. 2.12 ) .
25 Tonight the Minister of the big Methodist church in the township of Harare opened it for people of all colours and creeds to come and pray and find God 's plan .
26 They raised them to 100% so that all secondary education was to be carried out on selection by merit.47
27 The price of baby blankets surprised me at £5 each .
28 With three in ten games under Ossie Ardiles , who signed him for £250,000 for Leicester in December , Kelly 's acquisition looked like another dud deal by the Magpies until Keegan 's celebrated second coming on Tyneside .
29 Rees , 25 , was on loan to Norwich from West Bromwich Albion when Dave Bassett signed him for £25,000 on transfer-deadline day .
30 However , Peter was anxious to be on the move again in the winter of 1983–84 , so Luton signed him for £15,000 .
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