Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She got the ceiling decorated and made improvements to the entrance to make it more welcoming .
2 And so me brother and I , who was a twin , were put into the choir as probationers , like today 's police force , and after twelve months we 'd passed all the necessary tests for the vicar and became chororists with the choir and graduated through it .
3 While Barnes was inspiring the South West , Andrew 's use of boot , brain and vision made ribbons of the Midlands line-out superiority .
4 Andrew 's use of boot , brain and vision made ribbons of the Midlands line-out superiority and visiting skipper Dean Richards admitted : ‘ He was the decisive factor . ’
5 With five minutes left , Deon Oosthuysen made ribbons of the Midlands defence on the right after Theo van Rensburg had committed the midfield with a powerful break .
6 Distance from Shanariah , coupled with enormous tithes to the Church and the fact that many of the Ixmarite hierarchy owned estates in the district and were therefore friends and neighbours , guaranteed the residents a certain freedom of belief .
7 He made patterns in the space , first up and down , then diagonally across , always within the open area between the stream and the thicket .
8 Suzi made patterns in the sugar with her spoon .
9 The Chicago School employed ethnographic methods of data collection , and produced accounts of the lives of a wide variety of social groups , though with an emphasis on the poor and the deviant .
10 In a bid to lift the country out of recession Norman Lamont announced boosts for the car industry , housing , the health service and schools .
11 Curial officials ensured conservative cardinals led discussions in the central commission , and that reports of commissions in the L'Osservatore Romano reflected conservative views .
12 Germany and Austria led calls for the west to recognise the independence of Slovenia and Croatia .
13 With the specialist 's contempt for the layman 's ignorance , Rufus read accounts of the inquest in two newspapers .
14 Then they tore in a wild , bumpy , breakneck race across the rough heath to Scawby Marsh and got ropes round the poor terrified pony just in time to keep him above the shifting surface before the marsh engulfed him .
15 Spencers became Knights of the Garter , Privy Councillors , ambassadors and a First Lord of the Admiralty while the third Earl Spencer was considered as a possible Prime Minister .
16 He agreed accounts of the alleged ‘ roundabout ’ payment were based on hearsay , but added : ‘ The journalists will be questioned about what they knew and even journalists will tell the truth when they are called . ’
17 Eleanor made notes on the differences between English and American workplaces and unions .
18 Mr Ferhat Usta , a Muslim , said he realised minutes before the operation that his kidney was going to a Briton .
19 The meeting also agreed proposals for the abolition of the visa system , for flights between the two countries and for bilateral co-operation on development projects , such as the planned construction with Indian aid of a hospital .
20 Her wet boots made footprints on the dusty floor and she still wore an apron over her black skirt , but she had a fine air about her .
21 We produced mutations in the MetJ subunit to disrupt the contacts for DNA binding or the interaction between dimers ( Fig. 1 ) .
22 Richards asked employers about the factors they took into account when recruiting apprentices .
23 But , with that unpredictability which makes biology such a fascinating science , it was some biochemists interested in nutrition who laid foundations for the next major advance in the treatment of cancer .
24 I then made copies of the negatives and went into the darkroom , using pens , brushes , sandpaper , whatever came to hand , in fact to distort the images before finally re-copying to get higher contrast prints , which I finished off with selenium toner .
25 I made copies of the information and these this was given to Superintendent .
26 where they sold copies of The Red Letter ,
27 I would stand on street corners with him while he sold copies of the Morning Star .
28 In his spare time he sold copies of The Clarion , a socialist newspaper , on street corners .
29 As his disciples were identified with him in his ministry and experienced the healing powers of the new age operating through them , so they became partakers of the Kingdom .
30 There is a growing awareness of the disadvantages to employment and industry that a return to the discredited and failed policies of the Labour party would create .
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