Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Cuban law made provision for compensation with government bonds , redeemable within twenty years with an annual interest rate of 4.5 per cent .
2 He recommended coral for skin troubles , sore eyes and bites , to choose a single example .
3 Seeking to translate this question of morality to local issues , I asked the question , did the candidates agree that it was morally wrong and perhaps a misuse of public funds for local councillors to claim that there was no money available to install gas central heating in the homes of elderly disabled people when they always found money for hospitality allowances and trips abroad for themselves .
4 In 1983 a further report to the European Parliament by M. Vandewiele reinforced enthusiasm for Community support of a fixed link , and in 1984 the Round Table of European Industrialists added its voice to the campaign to upgrade Europe 's transport infrastructure .
5 The sheriff who heard the trial was Sheriff Peter Hamilton , who deferred sentence for background reports .
6 Here , a statement at an auction by the auctioneer that a heifer was " unserved " was held to amount to a collateral warranty , for breach of which the auctioneer was liable even though the main contract excluded liability for fault , imperfections and errors of description .
7 This time round they were told they would not be able to enter the National Federation of Meat Traders bi-annual sausage competition at Harrogate as one of the sponsors , the Meat and Livestock Commission , held that they only provided sponsorship for mainland competitors .
8 B&B landladies found room for improvement
9 The Security Service , on the other hand , argued that violent demonstrations which threatened public order could only benefit political extremism in general , as it provided incentive for recruitment for both fascists and communists .
10 This reinforced distaste for party politics and the tendency to work along lines which challenged established political practices and institutions .
11 He fixed bail for appeal but said McGuigan was not to be released pending appeal .
12 Both girls thought she was joking at first but when she recounted word for word the interview she had had with Moran they exploded into wild laughter .
13 I want to know who trained Quest for Fame and Sanglemore , he was a first season trainer , who rode both of them to victory in the respective Derbys and who owned both of them .
14 There had been times when Cadfael had both departed and returned by night , without passing the gatehouse , on urgent matters in which he found justification for absence .
15 In our sudden obsession with things ancient and Egyptian , we attended all the lectures on board — and found cause for worry .
16 But the British professional classes had been examined by the academic team of Lewis and Maude in 1952 , who found cause for concern that taxation had reduced the differentials between the professions to such an extent that they feared their quality might not be maintained .
17 ‘ I Do n't Know How I Found Time For Work ! ’
18 And , when some other retired persons says in my presence ‘ I do n't know how I found time for work ’ , I no longer inwardly cringe with scorn at the well worn cliche as I used to do but instead I enthusiastically and of course sagely nod my head in hearty agreement .
19 It also produced wood for charcoal burning — the only fuel used extensively for industrial activities before coal became more intensively mined and more widely available .
20 This last was not merely material ; progress had a moral and ethical content , which spelt hope for mankind .
21 My opponent was much the same height , build and temperament ; we stood toe to toe and swapped blow for blow .
22 Facing opposition from the City , from English Heritage and all the conservation groups , amenity organizations and civic societies in the country , as well as hundreds of people who work in the City , it was quite a shock when a different Environment Secretary , Nicholas Ridley , agreeing with his inspector , granted permission for demolition and redevelopment .
23 So many allegations of political interference did those restructuring plans prompt that the then Arts Minister , Richard Luce , felt it necessary to reassure the Commons ( 27 February , 1989 ) that although he supported the aims of the proposed restructuring , he believed responsibility for management of National Museums should be delegated to chairmen and directors .
24 With the new Council established and working effectively , the original University/WEA Joint Tutorial Classes Committee and the Rural Areas Committee were replaced in 1946 by a new University/WEA Joint Committee which assumed responsibility for Tutorial Classes and One-Year Sessional classes extending over twenty to twenty-four meetings .
25 Stefanos Manos remained at the National Economy Ministry , but now assumed responsibility for Finance also , in a move to facilitate the process of economic reform .
26 Our solicitors filed action for breach of trust , fraud and embezzlement this morning .
27 Their two families had exchanged hospitality and traded with one another for generations , when Kalchu 's went north for its salt and his i a 's came south for grain .
28 California 's wind turbines provide one per cent of electricity and is equal to 80 per cent of the world 's total installed capacity for wind energy .
29 On the same day , the Irish government promised a detailed study of the loophole in the extradition law , which prevented extradition for possession of , but would have allowed it for use of , a firearm .
30 Again in 1340 , Henry Vitele , received absolution for violation of the liberty of the Church of Rochester , by distraint of the Bishop 's tenants in Halling , he was to offer up one quartern of wax at the same altar .
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