Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 I take modelling for what it is ; I made money I 'd never otherwise have made so quickly , and I 'm still young enough to do something else .
2 If the dog got one of the lambs and drew blood there 'd be no stopping it .
3 Smith dismissed speculation he would recruit former Middlesbrough coach David Nish as his right hand man if he took over the hot seat .
4 Teague helped form what must have been the quietest back row in the history of the game when he joined up Dean Richards and Winterbottom in the 1991 Grand Slam side .
5 If you used pine you 'd taste it in the herren .
6 The framework used in the interviews ( Table B ) provided information which can be categorised into five are as :
7 ‘ I promised Mother I would n't .
8 you 'd part them would n't you ?
9 Daisy said , ‘ He told Sister he 'd like our Charlie to stay in the Hall to give him the chance to get his nerve back in easy stages .
10 ‘ We told Mum we would n't be late and it 's getting dark , ’ I mumbled .
11 In the early stages , however , Commodore believes that it needs to ensure a broad range of titles are available both to support the positioning of CDTV as a family leisure platform and to generate the initial installed base which will itself encourage the third party publishing on which the future of CDTV depends .
12 ‘ Even if we played shit they 'd love the show , ’ barks a dismissive Craig .
13 When the King 's Justices came south they would arrive with troops and issue writs raising levies from the surrounding countryside , empanel juries , collect evidence , and not move away until the matter was settled .
14 It may just be an extremist minority within a minority that would take offence , but one company told PEN it would rather just take the easy way out and not have pigs .
15 He told Husband he 'd have to consult with the rest of the private Office and maybe even the PM before he could agree to them interrogating you ; he may actually be doing that , for all I know , though I think it 's more likely he 's been waiting for his temper to cool before he briefs you .
16 Thomas lies as naturally as other men breathe , if he told truth he would be untrue to himself .
17 INVERLEITH , who are currently fighting to avoid relegation from the Torrie Stockbrokers National Men 's Hockey League , yesterday received news they could well have done without .
18 Thorson 's Organic Consumer Club , subtitled Food You Can Trust , is edited by David Mabey and Alan & Jackie Gear ( £4.99 ) .
19 He told Dad he would see I was all right .
20 We now have friends all over the country and I often think about the elderly disabled chap who would n't accept help to lift his canoe at portages or the young white faced girl who would n't give up though exhausted .
21 But even Butler has come to realise that in fulfilling the role of gamekeeper turned poacher he might not win friends but he could influence people .
22 Last month , following Johnson 's admissions at the inquiry that he had taken drugs and not failed drug tests , the IAAF decided to strip him of his world records retrospectively and enacted legislation which would punish any athlete who passed a drug test but subsequently admitted he was an offender .
23 At the same time he was busy courting his supporters amongst the Country Tories by playing on the theme of the " Church in Danger " , and his strategy appears to have been to unite the various dissident Tories behind him in order to oust Oxford from power , and then try to ensure that Tory political dominance was so unchallengeable that when George I became King he would be forced to work with them .
24 Apart from this , the Emperor was afraid that if the Duke de Montpensier , who was married to Isabella 's sister , became King there would be a civil war in Spain as there had been in 1830 , when ‘ a sister had dethroned a sister ’ .
25 The proposals were believed to be ‘ an attempt to cash limit a demand led service which will damage the doctor/patient relationship and be detrimental to patient care . ’
26 Chinese officials expressed anger at his reform package and , according to the Far Eastern Economic Review of Nov. 5 , threatened retaliation which could make Hong Kong virtually ungovernable in the five remaining years of British rule .
27 Tory Euro-rebels served notice they would ‘ fight without restraint ’ and create a constitutional crisis if the Government tried to by-pass Parliament to ratify the treaty .
28 The Health Secretary served notice she would ‘ haul people over the coals ’ over the Department of Health plan .
29 The consequence of this damage was , on this theory , that when the patient heard speech he could understand it but could not transmit what he had heard to the brain region for speech production , and so could not repeat it .
30 By the same token , Tony DeFries had a clause in the contract that if the promoter lost money he would pay it to him , so it was impossible for a promoter to actually risk anything .
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