Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun pl] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I realised after months that I was n't ready to quite , it was a case of ‘ okay , I 've opened the floodgates , how do I close them ? ’
2 Unfortunately he found like others that even eminence in science did not automatically bring emolument , and in 1863 he contemplated moving to Manchester ; but Samuelson then came up with the proposal of producing a new Quarterly Journal of Science , which duly appeared in January 1864 under the editorship of Crookes and Samuelson .
3 Although the offices in the royal administration ranged into fields that today seem inappropriate for the bureaucrat , they were in other ways much more constricted .
4 The combination of the three parameters ( sphincter pressure equal or less than 6 mm Hg , total length of lower oesophageal sphincter equal or less than 20 mm and abdominal portion of the lower oesophageal sphincter with a length equal or less than 9 mm ) demonstrated in controls that this situation was not observed .
5 How he heard of verre anglais is unclear , but it is not beyond belief that it stemmed from rumours that effervescing Champagne had become a popular drink in England .
6 For 48 hours he strutted and gloated in headlines that spread 3000 miles from Canada 's Pacific to Atlantic coast : ‘ Canadian hero sprints to gold ’ .
7 Wars became ever more expensive , and with them the national debt rose to heights that to contemporaries seemed awesome ( see Table 9.2 ) .
8 Candles flickered on tabletops that bore some resemblance to wine barrels sawn in half .
9 No , he erm , I say with videos that they , they send a video over an Australian thing , this chap 's the other two and one of them had a camera and he went aboard to test pilot it and he took the all around the place round er having flown six five minutes and he paid he tried to things that had gone wrong , whatever it was and erm , he , he , he 's .
10 Blood pressures rose at reports that US TV film of the Coronation in 1953 had been punctuated by ads featuring a chim-panzee , J Fred Muggs .
11 But mice sired by fathers that had been given morphine learn more slowly .
12 Dismissing the anti-spirits movement 's idea of imposing a pledge only to moderation in wine and beer , he announced amid cheers that ‘ nothing but the tee-total would do ’ or , according to some accounts , ‘ I 'll be reet down out-and-out t-t-total for ever and ever . ’
13 His statement came after reports that Kurdish leaders , including the head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) , Jalal Talabani , had agreed to resume talks with the government following their rejection of new conditions for Kurdish autonomy .
14 Mr Major 's comments came after reports that the Government is to introduce secure units to tackle persistent offenders under the age of 15 .
15 The proposal came amid fears that the Ministry of Agriculture might introduce tougher restrictions or even an outright ban .
16 Horsler 's appointment to control British Coal 's marketing strategy came amid reports that his business experience as national contracts director suited him for a negotiating role .
17 The visit came amid reports that the Soviet Union had downgraded its commitment to its longtime ally in the Middle East and reduced the number of Soviet military instructors in Syria and the availability of essential military and commercial credits .
18 It came amid reports that the government had in July accepted US funds to establish a new 100-strong secret service , to be called the Council for Public Security and National Defence , closely linked to the US Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .
19 The move came amid reports that Iraq 's success in initiating its post-war reconstruction programme might have been assisted by systematic sanctions-busting by some countries .
20 His announcement came amidst reports that he had warned Soviet Foreign Minister Alexsandr Bessmertnykh , during a private meeting in Washington on Feb. 1 , that the US administration would be unlikely to submit a Strategic Arms Reduction ( START ) treaty to Congress for ratification if the Soviet Union failed to respond to US complaints about Soviet violations of the CFE treaty .
21 The suppression of the Kurdish uprising came amidst reports that the Iraqi army had made use of tanks , artillery , heavy weapons and aircraft .
22 The government 's assurances came amidst reports that US officials , meeting with the Crown Prince in March , had submitted evidence showing that one of his sons and a nephew had been responsible for the organization of anti-Palestinian " death squads " .
23 The latest truce came amidst reports that the partial blockade of food and fuel had seriously tested the capacity of Kurdish fighters to administer the region and had caused widespread civilian suffering .
24 The uplift came amidst allegations that the younger children were now subject to abuse from older siblings .
25 Firstly , it is alleged that there was a failure to advise the plaintiff er before the contracts for this business were exchanged , as to the necessity for ensuring that there was adequate finance to er complete the purchase granted on terms that the plaintiff could meet and which were set out clearly in a letter of offer from the bank and there was a failure to advise the plaintiffs as to the risk of relying upon oral offers of financing from the bank .
26 However , UI chief Peter Cunningham , speaking from the dais , alluded to discussions that were being held at the highest levels and suggested that they were very close to some sort of agreement .
27 The only other study that made corrections for pyloric loss and duodenogastric reflux came to conclusions that are the same as ours .
28 We were invited to drive the cars in west Germany where the smooth road surface always flatters cars ' suspensions , but even when we nipped into what used to be east Germany and drove on roads that did not seem to have been maintained since the war , the G40 's bump suppression was admirable .
29 Welsh Office Minister Gwilym Jones acted after claims that photographs of a badly-beaten child were filed away for at least six years without being passed to police by social service workers .
30 Did she hide behind aggression and trousers as Ana hid behind eyes that refused to see ?
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