Example sentences of "[vb past] as [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Diana 's got it taped as royal spoof hits street
2 Friends rang round to remind each other of the vigil and colleagues rallied as many people as they could to come to St Bride 's .
3 When one considers the amount of time , effort and money involved in the preparation of those papers and the hearing of them it is , in my opinion , becoming essential to ensure that the number of frivolous appeals ( some of which are perhaps made out of ‘ cussedness ’ to cause the officers involved as much trouble as possible ) is reduced .
4 So far , tropical moist forests provide little more than 10% of the total wood used as solid wood and pulp , but as temperate forests become depleted or increasingly under pressure of the ‘ environmental ’ lobby to be managed for functions other than production , attention will inevitably be focused on the tropical resources .
5 For years , that was shrugged off merely as an aspiration or dismissed as Unionist propaganda , not to be taken literally or seriously .
6 Goldstone dismissed as improbable Brig.
7 Then he gaped as Bower-bird flutter the wings that should have been useless , and sprang into the air in a perfect take-off .
8 ‘ We found as much wind in Germany , ’ said the memo attached , ‘ as there is in this pumpkin . ’
9 Indeed the railways created as much beauty as they inadvertently destroyed , but of a totally different kind .
10 Edwards , who played on despite breaking his nose in the first half , insisted : ‘ Widnes created as many chances as we did , but we were a little more clinical in our finishing .
11 More generally , the competition created as more countries have established EPZs has eroded their effectiveness ( Basile and Germidis , 1984 ) .
12 Ordered to be replayed behind closed doors by the FA after an inquiry into last week 's coin-throwing incident , the game posed as many questions as it answered .
13 But his letter posed as many questions as it answered , so I rang him up and asked him if he was willing to come and see me .
14 They stopped as two figures hurried over — Tom and Cyril , the lads from Northallerton .
15 Do you think your mother and I are happy hearing you described as Ace Barton 's latest tart ? ’
16 But both could be ( confusingly ) described as average number of competitors over the same region as the intended word .
17 Mr McFall described as false government claims that there is not enough parliamentary time to see through the amendment , which would bring Scotland into line with English law by forcing the knife carrier to prove there is no criminal intention .
18 This list comprised as many root forms as possible plus their inflections .
19 You hardly had room enough to do your job , but you dare n't tell 'em to get out o' the way ; or else they 'd say they 'd as much right to be there as you had !
20 And yet the same claim , when promulgated by Robert Graves , then by Dr Schonfield in The Passover Plot , attracted as much scandal and incredulity as if it had never been broached before .
21 But atop the blue tower blocks of big Waimea , he attracted as much attention as the Pope on the balcony of St Peter 's .
22 Similar proposals continued to be made in various forms in the second half of the century , though none was elaborated in as much detail as that of Saint-Pierre or attracted as much attention .
23 Faye sniffed and gulped as threatened tears became a reality .
24 Ever since that event I have never taken a trolley off anyone , and have explained why if needed to and told as many people as possible about it .
25 Publicly-controlled since 1943 , and a loss-maker for much of the period since , it came as little surprise when , Chris Patten , a junior Northern Ireland minister , announced plans for privatisation in 1988 .
26 It came as little surprise to the Commission in its work to be reminded both of the rich diversity which exists in the field of church music and of the very different attitudes and preferences to be found within our congregations .
27 It came as little surprise , therefore , that the close relationship appeared to be unaffected by Iraq 's August invasion of Kuwait .
28 The bombshell came as official figures showed that Britain 's jobless total rose 47,000 to 2,807,000 last month — with workers joining the dole queue at the rate of 1,500 every day .
29 His remarks came as Labour employment spokesman , Mr Henry McLeish , denied reports that the party was considering replacing the automatic payment of welfare benefits with a policy which would require many unemployed either to find a job or to accept full-time training or higher education .
30 The news came as four-year-old Laura was discharged from a Pittsburgh hospital .
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