Example sentences of "[vb past] put out the " in BNC.

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1 A spokesman said ‘ The children tried to put out the fire but to no avail .
2 The firemen who came to put out the fire had a narrow escape when the roof fell in as they were working inside the building .
3 Staff managed to put out the blaze before firemen arrived .
4 In three minutes I managed to put out the whole fire , and the lovely old building was safe .
5 On Christmas Eve we also remembered to put out the cookies and milk for Santa .
6 He stepped back , pausing to think , but the more he tried to invent reasonable explanations , the more he came back to the obvious truth : someone had put out the light and locked him in .
7 It could n't have been anything else but Dad had put out the best wood the first time ; some of the rest was rotten .
8 The knock on the door came just after he had put out the light .
9 Someone has plotted to kill you ! ’ and I explained what I had heard and how I had put out the fire .
10 After a year abroad , Laura and Bernard drove up to Rhydoldog in snow to find that Ruby and Molly , as a welcoming gesture , had put out the French flag on the lawn .
11 The family had put out the items including tea services and Georgian candlesticks so house guests could admire them over the New Years holiday .
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