Example sentences of "[vb past] over a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If , as suggested above , he faced considerable initial hostility , and presided over a government which some churchmen found oppressive , religion could have been one way in which opposition was expressed .
2 In A.D. 318 , the then Bishop of Rome ( now known as Pope Sylvester ) is said to have met personally with eight Desposyni leaders — each of whom presided over a branch of the Church — at the Lateran Palace .
3 The Empress Maria Theresa presided over a transformation of the Habsburg hereditary territories which was the greatest achievement of its kind anywhere in Europe during this period .
4 At a crisis AGM in January 1990 , Dundee 's controversial chairman Angus Cook presided over a record deficit of £600,000 .
5 IN OUR June edition we wrongly stated that Sutton Coldfield RFC were bringing a £500,000 civil action against a referee who presided over a game in which the club 's colts captain , Ben Smolden , broke his neck .
6 The wealth of diamonds incorporated in her regalia reflected the fact that Catherine presided over a realm that for a short period was the world 's leading producer .
7 But Mr Major said extension of V A T was a vital part of policies to reduce public borrowing , earlier the Prime Minister presided over a cabinet discussion of the options for next month 's budget .
8 Commissioner of the Garda Siochana for little more than two years in the 1970s , he presided over a force struggling to cope with a surge in urban crime and the spillover violence of the IRA campaign in Northern Ireland .
9 Gooseneck presided over a table of thirty , one-third of whom were female .
10 Directors Jim Gray and David Duff presided over a set of financial manoeuvres that bewildered even the most money minded fans .
11 On 15 November Pope Paul presided over a gathering of those in charge of running the Council .
12 In September 1959 , at Woods Hole on Cape Cod in Massachusetts , Professor Jerome Bruner presided over a meeting of influential scientists and afterwards wrote The Process of Education .
13 This success lies behind his translation to Canterbury in the following year ; thereafter , until his death in 1381 , he presided over a period of taxation the scale of which exceeded even that of the early years of the reign .
14 The extent to which the courts could become involved in the politics of such disputes had been shown a few years earlier when Lord Cameron presided over an enquiry into a dispute on London building sites .
15 Who is going to buy a T-shirt with the words ‘ Athletico Whaddon ’ felt-tipped on to a piece of paper , and Blu-tac 'd over an Iron Maiden logo ?
16 or about five minutes earlier on the motorway and they drove over a part of the barrier , and they got a blow out did n't they ?
17 Oh that was approximately about erm , well I 'm talking about now in my time it must be over twenty year ago , when he introduced that and the simple reason was there was an argument between the deputy harbourmaster and the boatmen which are the cos they used t it all happened over a ship called used to be a collier , used to run here regular and that used to discharge so much coal at Cliff Quay , then it used to go into the dock at Tolwells Quay and finish unloading because it used to bring two or three different lots of coal , it was a four hold ship , she had four holds , and there 'd be one hold for the chemical works and perhaps there 'd be three holds for and that se
18 Although , perhaps it was fortunate in one sense that er it completely destroyed the main machine shop and er it , it all happened over a period of about twenty to twenty five minutes .
19 Well cheet cheety boxes are three s bits of iron , with a chain in the middle that hung over a fire you see ?
20 Erm I I I signed over I signed over a number of thousands of pounds erm n nine years ago , eight or nine years ago with regard to the matrimonial home which Alison still lives in with my son Ben today .
21 Oh it 's going , ooh , it went out actually just as we went over a bump
22 In fact , there were four distinct varieties , which he regarded as separate races , of subspecies , which had over a period of time become cut off from each other and ceased to interbreed .
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