Example sentences of "[vb past] we all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The government would save so much money in the long run if they built us all homes instead of putting us up in this dump ; it 's ridiculous . ’
2 Refreshed , they bade us all adieu , and sped off in their big car .
3 It took us all day to get the months ' accumulation of gooey duck muck and seagull poo off the airframe , and despite getting soaked lying in cold puddles of grimy water under the floats we never did remove all the khaki slime from their bottoms .
4 ‘ We got severely lost and it took us all day to get back .
5 Mum bought us all ice creams , we went off and left Dad , he was just sitting there .
6 Yeah , would you , but a couple of years because John was busy he bought us all tokens , erm , he bought the others tokens from Woolworths and me token from a body shop and we all , and I we had great fun looking and seeing what we wanted to buy with , with the book tokens , er , maybe , maybe I mention it providing we ca n't find anything .
7 And I 'd written the postcard on boat er they gave us all postcards to send home .
8 ‘ They gave us all railway warrants back to our homes .
9 We scattered the pack three times , doing nothing illegal , but the police escorted us all day and one sab was threatened with arrest for shouting too loud .
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