Example sentences of "[vb past] she the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He told her the others and she tried to memorize them , the positions and the titles .
2 They thanked her in quiet voices , told her the clothes were ‘ cool ’ , but no one said they knew Francis .
3 He showed her the cases with other small flags on pins : these he used in the autumn to mark the beginning of the vintages , and the card-index where he kept the regional weather reports year before year .
4 He showed her the stables , and one of the old mares nuzzled Isobel 's hand , with a mouth as soft as velvet .
5 All the girls helped her to get the fire going , spread the tablecloth , put out the cups and plates , laughing and whispering and bustling about as they showed her the places and secrets of the kitchen , the room that was now her room .
6 As a child she had not had time for many fairy stories and did not now know them to tell to her daughter again , but instead she showed her the pictures .
7 Once the researcher arrived though , Harrison was as friendly as you like , showed her around the house that he built himself , even showed her the pictures he 'd painted , and best of all , agreed to be a guest on Aspel and Company .
8 He handed her the tablets and water , and she swallowed them obediently .
9 The young man closed the boot of the car and handed her the keys .
10 ‘ Thanks , ’ he said , and handed her the keys .
11 Just a fortnight earlier , she 'd been on a course called Heart Start , which taught her the basics of resuscitation .
12 He taught her the words of the Angelus , the Hail Mary ; though he said that he could not quite use all the words himself literally , but he respected those who could , and he did not think there was anything in it which made Mary take the place of her Son .
13 I passed her the tissues as I always do .
14 However they viewed her the girls knew that her love was genuine , and the discipline was a necessary part of the love .
15 Of course , to achieve that I needed the former whore 's co-operation so I secretly sent her the messages . ’
16 Funny , but even though she knew Delaney , Lawton and Forster were engaging Mahon — she could hear gun fire — the empty shadowy corridors of the place gave her the creeps .
17 The prospect of being marooned on Gullholm for days with a Heathcliff bereft of his Cathy gave her the creeps .
18 Or maybe the gun gave her the guts .
19 She declined There was something else she needed from the van so he gave her the keys .
20 When leaving on his epic journey around the world , Phileas Fogg encountered a begging woman with her child at Charing Cross Station and gave her the proceeds of his recent success at whist .
21 ‘ Listen , Kate , maybe someone took her there and gave her the drugs … . ’
22 After hearing her story , Brochwel gave her the lands at Pennant as a permanent refuge .
23 The action gave her the moments she needed to adjust , to assess her own feelings .
24 Only then was she aware of the telegraphist who sat beside her , who smiled and gave her the thumbs-up sign .
25 Folly doubted if she would care what Luke got up to , but she gave her the flowers none the less .
26 Gave her the facts to make of what she would ; and make of them what she could , Jay did not understand .
27 She told Susan about her encounter when she gave her the humbugs , and the elder sister seemed interested for the first time that evening .
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