Example sentences of "[vb past] she would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 To make life easier for us all I started to teach her a few commands , but I found she would obey any order before it was given .
2 She barely seemed to notice if he stroked her hair as they talked , but if he moved she would say quickly , ‘ Do n't go away , ’ and bring his hand back to her forehead .
3 There had been a time when she had thought of going with Roman and dreamed of dancing held tightly in his arms , but now she doubted she would go at all .
4 They looked out for Barbara Coleman on the way , but there were taxis about and no one doubted she would have called one .
5 There was not a lot to tour in the inclement weather , though the Bohemia concert party was marked down for a visit , and the bandstand too held promise , though with all these people about , she doubted she would hear the music .
6 Fiona Ray , who has Down 's Syndrome , was sure she could win the tough Duke of Edinburgh 's Gold Award , but experts doubted she 'd do it .
7 And perhaps , though he doubted she 'd agree , they could sit once more in the back seats for old times ' sake .
8 She even promised she would speak to Albert and see what could be done in the way of money .
9 Promised she would come and see me , but you know what these little chelas are like …
10 Nigel believed she would assume he had something incurable with a shade of film glamour to it — leukaemia , perhaps .
11 If she was killed to prevent her telling the truth about the paintings , her killer was someone who believed she would tell .
12 If she drove she 'd save money that way .
13 It seemed she 'd have to stay here for a while .
14 He imagined she would have been charm personified if she wanted something from him , but offhand and dismissive if she had not .
15 Not that she imagined she would have any difficulty finding a job .
16 Dana took her time in following her sister , and Claudia imagined she would take full advantage of her sister 's absence .
17 ‘ I never imagined she 'd do such a thing . ’
18 When the time came she would do what she could to help .
19 When Nora came she would get her to run up to the flat and root out that paste thing she 'd once bought on a whim at Selfridges .
20 Rose was unable to do much when she was discharged from hospital after four months , but she assumed she would recover all of a sudden , because her illness had come on so suddenly .
21 Halfway through dressing , wearing his shirt and underpants , he looked for Moda in the workroom , where he assumed she would have thrown it on their pile of magazines ; he wanted to gaze at Bella Kropotkin again , but he could n't find the magazine .
22 ‘ I do n't know anything about the Bamford Hunt , ’ Meredith said , suddenly finding him unattractive and pushy , his manner hectoring , and disliking both the way he assumed she would agree with him and the arrogance he displayed in failing to give any reason why she should do as he asked .
23 I was worried , of course , but I assumed she 'd explain herself when she came back .
24 The clothes she assured her would look right on her .
25 Hewas so considerate when she lost the baby a year later , overlooking that she had failed in giving him what the nurse reluctantly told her would have been a son .
26 I did n't see her often , but whenever we met she would complain gently that they never went anywhere because Derek was always so busy or the babbas were teething or undergoing the whooping cough .
27 If a door creaked she 'd jump with fright .
28 Although she bet she would like him .
29 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
30 When he looked away , she realised she would lose him for ever .
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