Example sentences of "[vb past] she have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't turn up , so of course I then telephoned her office and found she had n't been there that week .
2 Her fingers began to move over the sheet of paper , but when she had finished drawing the circle of standing stones , she found she had also sketched in the figure of Julius .
3 Nothing , though , would induce her to sit in such close proximity , and she pretended she had n't seen it until the man in the white jacket swiftly replaced everything in front of her without a word .
4 If Vitor believed her to have been three months pregnant in Adelaide , then he believed she had already been pregnant when they had made love !
5 It was just past dawn and she believed she had n't slept : not that night , nor the previous night , nor the night before that .
6 She added she had not seen a pewter mug with Ivy 's name on it in its usual place , but could not confirm it had been stolen until the house was straightened out .
7 Some of her happiest hours were passed in making these costumes and she found that time flew by — it seemed she had barely started before her mother was calling for her to have her bath and go to bed .
8 After a few minutes ' walk it seemed she had truly left the hamlet of Pook 's Common behind .
9 It seemed she had only just drifted off when she was woken by a sharp rap on the door and Nathan 's impatient voice announcing , ‘ Breakfast in five minutes ! ’
10 But still her mind looked back , of its own accord , to Lajos , the harpies of the women 's magazine , Algox , and it seemed she had always been got at , and ‘ they ’ were still getting at her .
11 She was as much a part of this murky landscape now as if she had been born here , every step of the way between Miss Gemma Dallam 's cloistered corner and her own — in spirit a universe apart — being so familiar to her that it seemed she had always known them , or had known them before , in another place , a dozen other places ; another life .
12 By the time it came she had almost forgotten what the question was .
13 I noticed she had slightly knotted veins in her calves .
14 They had finished their meal , one at which he noticed she had hardly eaten anything .
15 Horrified , Juliet realised she 'd almost forgotten to ring her !
16 Leith realised she 'd better concentrate hard when she heard Rosemary 's father on the other end .
17 It was n't until she began her tour of the estate agents that she realised she had completely forgotten to settle Elise 's outstanding account .
18 It might have continued like that for me too , if I had not needed a chat with my local breastfeeding counsellor and realised she had not asked for any payment .
19 As the curtain rattled on its rings , she realised she had n't even the satisfaction of a door to bang in his face .
20 Travis must have discovered her disappearance by now , and with a sinking heart she realised she had n't put nearly enough distance between them for safety .
21 Sabine realised she had almost stopped breathing .
22 The horse , who had steadily been moving along in a quiet way , gave a strange little leap and she realised she had inadvertently dug her heels into his side .
23 Despairingly , she realised she had only another two or three hours at most before he would be demanding her departure .
24 Ari realised she had never felt this before — not even at home , where time had been her own .
25 By the end of the meal , made exuberant by his anarchic wit , she realised she had never felt more intensely alive .
26 and expected she had n't got as much as she
27 Dot realized she 'd already left to visit the man who was a gutless jink .
28 I said I never realized she 'd only that bit .
29 Tavett grew annoyed when he realized she had already discussed it with the other two the previous evening as soon as she had been allowed to leave the police station .
30 But at her door he was told he could not see her , and he realized she had not forgiven him .
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