Example sentences of "[vb past] this out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rameau laid this out as a simple trio for first and second violins and continuo , with flutes doubling the firsts in unison .
2 Louis frowned while he read this out to Madeleine and the children at lunch .
3 I got this out of mother 's catalogue .
4 Like this is my opening routine , I got this out of a book actually , you come , okay ?
5 I found this out at Dagenham , when I worked at Fords , the supply lorries used to come through the day and through the night with articles made in other factories , including bodies and wheels and these were put on the assembly line and routed through Fords to be assembled .
6 Tests using Auto cad bore this out with an overall 55% increase in shade operations falling to 16% in subtract operations .
7 I tried this out on Matt who said , ‘ Hey man I did n't know you had hippie blood . ’
8 Although this is the first recorded instance of a private undertaker being used by the royal household it is possible that they had been previously involved in some small way in royal funerals , for it is doubtful that the College of Arms provided coffins and it would seem probable that they contracted this out to the trade , to people such as William Russell — indeed , could it have been Russell who provided the coffin for Queen Mary in late December 1694 ?
9 He stuck this out for three years and finally qualified as an electrician in his own right .
10 and pulled this out like that .
11 ‘ We took this out of a Warrior in Oxford Barracks this morning — they had been practising firing at multiple targets , using the power traverse , When suddenly the turret went out of control — It 's a good job they were n't live firing on the range or someone could have been killed .
12 She put everything into a carrier and took this out to the car with his overnight case , and then she came back to get him into his shoes and his coat .
13 We tested this out by taking it around the office and the people in the office thought it was a bit boring we er thought it was great for the youngsters who probably like it so er erm and the merchandise we 've actually , we 've made up certain things , T-shirts and , and , and wacky items that again er relate to , to young people so that they get into the , the , the theme of the thing and the , the whole year carries forward on a , on a certain colour theme and , and , and so on , so er we 've done our best as sailing coaches not only learning to be marketeers again the money , where 's the money come from ?
14 Ramsey pointed this out to Macmillan in the famous telephone conversation and was overruled because of the Queen 's movements .
15 He gets shirty with Sir Burke Trend because of the impersonal way in which the Cabinet Minutes are prepared : ‘ I pointed this out to Burke Trend and I said , ‘ Harold ca n't have said this . ’
16 I pointed this out to Gary , a normal human being who has no reason to think like a journalist .
17 When I pointed this out to him he replied ‘ Yes , that is true , but there is no pleasure in growing a poor crop ’ .
18 I pointed this out to Mrs Fairfax .
19 Brenda pointed this out to Albert , who took no remedial action .
20 In an important paper , ‘ The Over-socialized Conception of Man in Modern Sociology ’ ( 1961 ) , Denis Wrong pointed this out in his discussion of Parsons .
21 He held this out to Rain .
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