Example sentences of "[vb past] this with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The executive Commission welcomed Mr Clinton 's commitment to agreeing a GATT world trade deal , but coupled this with a warning that any recourse to protectionism to spark economic recovery could lead to disaster .
2 He dismissed this with a cutting wave of his hand .
3 Peter dismissed this with a shake of his head .
4 I regarded this with the usual scepticism .
5 She acknowledged this with a raised thumb , but when she showed me the assortment of charts on the bed-table pushed against the wall she gave a thumbs-down over his fluid-intake .
6 They linked this with a national rent rebate scheme , rationalizing the variety of local schemes that had been set up over the previous decade , to offset the costs to the poorer tenants .
7 He linked this with an impassioned plea for serious overtures to the USSR .
8 The fact that his books of the 1950s and 1960s , like Our Plundered Planet , had examined environmental issues that few people , other than Rachel Carson , were concerned with then , gave Murray a forerunner status in the emerging American green movement , and he linked this with the tradition of home-grown anarchism : ‘ What we are trying to do , ’ he wrote , ‘ is to redeem certain aspects of the American Dream .
9 They did ask the King to call a free Parliament , in which provision could be made for a " due liberty of conscience " for all Protestants , although they linked this with the demand that the Church of England should " be secured according to the Act of Uniformity " , suggesting that " due liberty of conscience " was to be very limited indeed .
10 He took a sheet of Gordon 's notepaper and typed a short note to Alan Bleath , thanking him for his recent contribution to the stimulating seminar on lenses of a high refractive index , signed this with a fair approximation of Gordon 's hand and put it in one of the ‘ Gordon Beamish : See ? ’ envelopes , addressed to Alan Bleath , 329 Carradine Road , Mitcham .
11 And I followed this with a suitably modest smile to indicate without ambiguity that I had made a witticism , since I did not wish Mr Farraday to restrain any spontaneous mirth he felt out of a misplaced respectfulness .
12 Beginning in the 1940s , they used Beef Shorthorn bulls on Highland cows and crossed the best of the heifers back to the Shorthorn bull , Cruggleton Alastair , and followed this with a careful and deliberate system of inbreeding and then line-breeding to establish the breed , which was officially recognised in 1965 .
13 He followed this with a long letter two months later , in which he tried to convince Pound of his achievement and to sympathize with the despair and anxiety which now assailed him .
14 He followed this with a traditional French bakery in Oxford while he set about converting a 15th century Cotswold manor house into Le Manoir , which opened in 1984 and has since become one of Britain 's most exclusive restaurants .
15 General manager , , presented with a silver tray from the Company and directors , and followed this with a bouquet of flowers for .
16 He took his BA at Birmingham in 1948 , and followed this with an MA ( on James Shirley ) in 1952 .
17 He followed this with the unkindest cut of all : ‘ Or is it that he is afraid I will ask him for money ? ’
18 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
19 Following the inquiry 's recommendations , in February 1989 , the Secretary of State issued a Circular on the discharge of patients from hospital ( HC(89)5 ) , and in September 1990 followed this with the Circular on the care programme approach , stating that from April 1991 all patients leaving hospital should be the subjects of care programmes , and that in September 1991 regions should report back on the implementation of this policy .
20 To analyse the correlations further , we summed the histology grades ( young granulation tissue and type II pneumocyte proliferation ) and correlated this with the summed airway epithelium and type II pneumocyte staining .
21 Like Brown , he struck a populist tone by attacking the " status-quo paralysis " in Washington , but combined this with a partisan attack on the Bush administration for its neglect of home affairs in general and of the interests of America 's middle class in particular .
22 Matthew drew upon a long-standing belief that the flora and fauna of Eurasia were dominant over those of the rest of the world and combined this with the paleontologist 's theory of the periodic explosion of new types at certain points in the fossil record .
23 For most of the time he combined this with the very important post of deputy treasurer-at-wars .
24 She knew this with a sickness and sadness that could manifest only as a cold feeling , a dead feeling inside her .
25 He managed this with the help of a flannel , some scented soap from England which he kept for special occasions and a kettleful of hot water that took five minutes to boil on the single electric ring that served as a cooker and , in winter , as a heater .
26 The fact that Renault managed this with the same V10 engine configuration with which it restarted its F1 programme in 1989 , while those around them said a V12 would be needed , is testament to the company 's enormous confidence and strength of purpose .
27 He contrasted this with the other type of terminology found amongst speakers of the ‘ Celtic ’ and Semitic languages , where most relatives had separate and unique kinship terms .
28 Commentators contrasted this with the boost given to Yeltsin , his arch rival , by the support in the separate Russian Federation referendum for a directly elected Russian President .
29 In the United States , Margaret Ribble ( 1943 ) published The Rights of Infants ; in England John Bowlby ( 1952 ) followed up his earlier studies of maternal deprivation as an antecedent of what he had called ‘ the affectionless character ’ ( 1946 ) with his report for the World Health Organization , Maternal Care and Mental Health ; and in the opening volume of the journal Psycho-Analytic Study of the Child , Rene Spitz ( 1945 ) published his paper on hospitalized infants and the effects of lack of mothering , and supported this with the widely circulated documentary film , Grief : a Peril in Infancy .
30 And you did this with a three foot wide bucket ?
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