Example sentences of "[vb past] not [verb] what " in BNC.

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1 So I was determined to show them I could take a joke and the next time a big stork went over I pretended not to know what it was called and asked my girl .
2 She pretended not to know what he was referring to but he would not be fooled .
3 He screwed his eyes tightly shut and tried not to imagine what they were doing together in the room with the shuttered window .
4 He tried not to imagine what it would be like to drown in the Ankh .
5 Tried not to think what they were treading on .
6 She tried not to think what would happen .
7 She seemed not to notice what I realised almost at once — that Lili 's memory differed , not in essentials , but in flavour , from her own .
8 As she ate Maltesers from the box on her knee , apparently engrossed in the antics of Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck or pluto her left hand seemed not to know what her right was doing .
9 Many seemed not to know what the knives and forks were for and took the napkins for handkerchiefs .
10 Daak had looked confused : he marched straight to Ace , but seemed not to know what to do next .
11 But the Friar 's wits had not yet returned to him and he seemed not to hear what the Trapper said .
12 She hated not knowing what he was thinking , planning .
13 Kids are generally speaking um encouraged not to refuse what adults are doing to them .
14 I passed by , and was no longer recognised by anyone ; the unknown children did not smile at me ; and I dared not ask what had become of those I had known , whom I feared to recognise in these bent men exhausted by life .
15 She preferred not to consider what might occur should he find her again during one of these fits .
16 But he did not make what would have been his first competitive appearance for several years .
17 She did not care what money was given for repairs .
18 Anne did not like Clive , did not care what happened to him .
19 She did not care what her father thought .
20 ‘ The Prince did not care what promises had been made to the Englishman ; forcing Sharpe to dance would demonstrate to the Rifleman that the Prince commanded this headquarters .
21 But she did not care what Bert thought .
22 She had given herself totally up to him , and did not care what happened to her as long as she was with him .
23 Hindley did not care what they did , as long as they kept out of his way , and they did not care even if he punished them .
24 I realized that Hindley did not care what conditions he lived in , and Joseph clearly spent more time praying than cleaning .
25 But Garvey did not care what Gabriel believed , so long as he conducted himself on stage like the Angel Gabriel .
26 His excuse that he did not realise what he was being given was laughed at .
27 ‘ We did not realise what it meant and the more I have listened to them it is fair comment that they are saying it is too much .
28 He remembered little about the fires because he was under the influence of drink and did not realise what he was doing .
29 Until Wednesday , the worst manifestation of that was warning young Members that they would not get promoted if they did not do what they were told .
30 And she did not do what hedgehogs usually do when they find themselves in a bit of trouble : curl up in a tight , prickly ball .
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