Example sentences of "[vb past] he back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A boss who was expecting a quiet birthday with his family at home was taken completely by surprise when his highly desirable secretary invited him back to her home for a drink after work .
2 Culshaw , who knew Karajan better than any of these armchair pundits , noted that since Karajan had never been interested in interpretation for interpretation 's sake — which perhaps helps explain why his readings often outlast those of more ‘ personalized ’ rivals — he naturally diverted his attention to new projects , musical , technological , scientific , logistical , until circumstances or new thinking drew him back to the central repertoire that he had recorded earlier , with other orchestras , other technology .
3 It was almost a treasonable thought , and Denis was relieved when Boxer , observing that the tractor was a ‘ queer-looking contraption ’ , drew him back to the present .
4 Juliet helped him back under the bedclothes .
5 Ormonde duly did so , but this time a storm drove him back to France , and he got into St Malo just as an English squadron arrived to blockade it .
6 As his chauffeur drove him back to Blue Ash Farm in the Lincoln , he decided it was love which gave her that special glow , that sparkle , that vivacity which drew the young men round her like flies .
7 Lack of success then drove him back to Spain , where his best work was painted at Ronda in Andalusia .
8 All too soon it was time to go and it was almost reluctantly that she drove him back to Brooklands .
9 She shooed him back to bed in front of her and he went meekly enough , entering with studied indifference , tapping his fingertips together as he went .
10 For a moment she looked furiously at Donald , her teeth bared like a cat 's , then she shook her hair out , spattering Donald with bree and barley , and hauled him back into the dance .
11 She reached and grabbed the tail of his long jacket , and she hauled him back down the stairs .
12 Eb could not scream for help , because his jaws were gagged with a handful of dirty cotton-waste , and every time he slipped on the wet paving-stones , they hauled him back to his feet with a blow and a curse , dragging him with them .
13 And now Jimmy had taken her hand as she hauled him back from the desk and …
14 Hoomey shot up round Bones 's ears and Bones , remembering his old ways , shook him back into the saddle and let out some contented snorts .
15 With the help of several Frenchmen he eventually reached Spain , but this neutral country 's police handed him back to the Gestapo .
16 Galliano showed two hours late , which could have ruined him , but fortunately did n't because the press loved him and his audience welcomed him back with loud approval after an absence of two seasons ( due to the lack of financial backing ) .
17 second oh I paid him back with Mark 's fifty pence .
18 After he had put the phone down , he looked at his watch before the inevitable fingers pushed through his hair , forcing it back , and reached for his glasses , that magic movement that turned him back to Dr Rafaelo .
19 Burun caught the outstretched arm , whipped Orcadai round , and threw him back down the stairs .
20 Yet for a short time his arrival at Oxford threw him back on the hunkers of his class and family .
21 Long periods of enforced solitude as a semi-invalid threw him back on the resources of his own imagination , and after reading Hindoo Holiday , by J. R. Ackerley [ q.v. ] ,
22 A tube burst and the blow back threw him back against the tender end .
23 The assassin 's blow threw him back against the wall , hitting it so hard he brought books tumbling from the shelves , but before the assassin 's fingers found his throat he delivered a punch to the man 's belly that must have touched some tender place , because the assault ceased , and the attacker let him go , his eyes fixed for the first time on Gentle 's face .
24 Nevertheless , I rushed him back to our nearby hotel , where I cleaned the wounds and fixed three or four large Band-Aids on them .
25 Satisfied , Trent ordered him back into the pines .
26 Jay grinned ear to ear , commiserated and ordered him back to bed .
27 I pressed the door shut , and pressed him back into the lighted room at the rear of the store .
28 In 1090 the lord of Montpellier exploited it even more successfully when he rose against his lord , the bishop of Maguelonne ; worried by William 's defection , the bishop bribed him back into the episcopal mouvance by extending his fief .
29 The Men and the People followed him back across the Park .
30 She followed him back into the little harness store and sat down on a bench while he lit the paraffin stove which soon filled the room with its smell and heat .
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