Example sentences of "[vb past] he on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Crowley 's wife divorced him on grounds of admitted adultery in 1910 .
2 Grand Duke Vladimir Romanov , the head of the exiled Russian royal family , and " heir to the Russian throne " as Izvestiya described him on April 22 , died in the USA on April 21 .
3 I just recall that I got a bit of a shock when I heard they found him on MOD property .
4 In February last year , lawyers in Miami indicted him on drug charges .
5 But he said it was only when Dr Philip Owen , a Home Office toxicologist , told him on Jan 16 that he learned Mr Threlfall had taken a fatal dose of 90 dextropropoxyphene tablets .
6 Murray 's club-mate , Tom McKean , has set his store on the World Indoors but first he has a personal score to settle with his GB team-mate , David Sharpe , who pipped him on Saturday to make it 1-1 between them indoors this winter .
7 Since the Earl of Holland was ‘ a man of greater dignity than knowledge in the Lawes of the Forest , he was assisted at various times by judges of the common law courts who advised him on points of law .
8 The script was handed to him by Casper Wrede , a director friend from the Royal Exchange who directed him on screen in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich .
9 She confronted him on deck , lunch in her hand , a rug tucked under her arm .
10 ‘ My brother left me alone in the room with him and I loathed him on sight … then I eventually liked him and then I fell in love with him . ’
11 His enthusiasm for ‘ La Causa ’ , as he called it , spread to thousands of liberals who joined him on boycotts and on several dramatic marches to Sacramento .
12 Reluctantly Polly joined him on deck , aware that the engine had stopped .
13 My son Jonathan , who turns two on Christmas Day , was fascinated to see his own image when I captured him on home video .
14 Raider Terence Joseph , 27 , ran off , but was caught after TV 's Crime Monthly showed him on security film .
15 Well for now let's go to another Charlton , soccer legend , Bobby Charlton , you heard him on Richard Rielly 's programme this afternoon , he 's coming to the area next Wednesday for the press launch of the Bobby Charlton Sports Day , which will be held at the Blackbird Ley 's leisure centre on the twenty fourth of April .
16 They released him on bail but he was secretly followed by two police officers .
17 ‘ I killed him on purpose . ’
18 They know that I killed him on purpose because he took my best animal . ’
19 After interviewing Susannah ( this was back in 1980 on the set of The Awakening ) , I had the good fortune to meet and interview John Huston and I challenged him on Susannah 's story .
20 Yugoslav army and Bosnian officials barely restrained him on Saturday from detonating the explosives and flooding populated lowlands in Serbia .
21 JIM LEIGHTON ( above ) , the goalkeeper Manchester United once dropped from an FA Cup final , was yesterday put on Wembley alert by semi-finalists Sheffield United when they signed him on loan from Dundee .
22 His daughter fed him on tins of baby food , which again confirmed for me the sour joke of existence and the particular contemptibility of this old man .
23 Oddly reassured by that very lack of sympathy , Luce followed him on legs that felt as if they hardly belonged to her .
24 I wrote and thanked him on behalf of the Council for what he 'd done but it 's now a question of finding somebody who can match it .
25 Then Armagh manager Jim McCorry whipped the 22-year-old student out from the wings , placed him on centre stage — and watched as he took the house down .
26 I dumped him on Wednesday .
27 It finished ( as a bowler ) the former Derbyshire player , Fred Swarbrook , who gave up the unequal struggle when , peering frantically around to see where a delivery had gone , he found out only when the ball dropped out of the stratosphere and hit him on top of the head .
28 She had worshipped Hendry as she watched him on TV marching to his second Embassy world title last April and made nightly notes in her diary detailing her adulation .
29 But Miss Hemse maintained that his psycho-kinetic powers had bent her contraceptive device while she and her fiancé were making love as they watched him on television .
30 Leith was having difficulty in equating this caring-sounding Naylor with the aggressive brute she had tangled with last night when Travis revealed , ‘ But it was my mother who rang him on Friday and , it seems , confessed — something I 'd been too preoccupied to have noticed — that she 'd been worried about me for some while .
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