Example sentences of "[vb past] that in her " in BNC.

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1 She found that in her sample , all of the girls in the class underestimated their rank ( as supplied by the teacher ) in relation to the boys .
2 Folly realised that in her eagerness not to miss the sights she had ended up nestling right up against Luke Hunter 's arm .
3 I quickly discovered that in her view it did n't have one , and that the only reason she had agreed to see me was to get this across once and for all .
4 Then , in the final sentence , they are saying that since the girl did not meet those criteria they felt ‘ unable to override ’ the statutory provisions in section 6(3) ( a ) , i.e. , they felt that in her case there was not sufficient to justify them requiring an over-subscribed school to accept her contrary to their admissions policy .
5 She felt as though someone had dumped an enormous casket of jewels in her lap , and pleasurable though that was , she knew that in her heart she would much rather have her great-aunt alive , and the casket of treasure at some much later time in her own life .
6 The Labour leader said that in her supposed splendid isolation from Europe , Margaret Thatcher showed she was from the Greta Garbo school of diplomacy .
7 Manu , the famous ancient Hindu law-giver , said that in her childhood the woman must be under the control of her father ; in her adult life she must be under her husband 's control and in her old age her son must control her .
8 He said that in her disdain for the laws of our land she had humiliated the honour of her family name ; there was no other course possible for her family to take .
9 GILLIAN said that in her opinion their was just as cumbersome and just as obviously diplomatic as his or her , but why was the meeting being so squeamish about making a point anyway ?
10 She said that in her opinion it would be desirable if Alice came in , as soon as possible .
11 Dottie 's feelings were seldom bruised by honesty — I simply said I 'd rather not and she said that in her opinion I was crazy , and that was that .
12 Questioned by Paul Cullen , prosecuting , she said that in her opinion the children had been injured by penile penetration .
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