Example sentences of "[vb past] that one [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His study , to be presented to the British Psychological Society 's annual conference in Scarborough today , found that one in three girls wanted to be thinner , even though many of them were not overweight .
2 A survey by London Gay Switchboard in 1980 of people looking for accommodation found that one in four was homeless on account of their sexuality .
3 Our own work found that one in three managers appeared to go through a sense of crisis in their late thirties .
4 A study of nearly 2,500 sixth formers , conducted by Dr Anne Charlton of the Cancer Research Campaign , found that one in five smoked at colleges where smoking was not permitted , compared with one in three where smoking was allowed .
5 But one large finance house which circulates new customers with literature promoting other loan possibilities reported that one in five pursue the offer no indication that the ‘ loans as loans ’ stage is with us yet , but a tribute to the power of the advertising which could bring it closer .
6 Andrew Paddick , director general of the Institute of Insurance Brokers , claimed that one in five were already ‘ on the danger list ’ .
7 Interviews with 10,000 people for the survey showed that one in five women felt very unsafe when out walking at night ; yet fewer than one in 70 claimed to have been attacked in the past year .
8 Though there was less overall pessimism about job prospects throughout the UK over the next few months , the survey also showed that one in five firms expects fresh redundancies and only 17 per cent predict job increases in the three months to June .
9 In past epidemics , the doctors reckoned that one in ten of those infected would die .
10 It was probably the only way he could get one , she thought waspishly ; the law of averages no doubt decreed that one at least would believe him , and how on earth could he want her when he 'd said all those terrible things to her ?
11 When we launched our Health and Beauty Club last year , we discovered that one in three members has a hair problem — and many simply did n't know what to do about it .
12 In 1767 Jonas Hanway thought that one in thirteen of London 's population was a domestic servant .
13 I learned that one in three marriages ends in divorce and that the rate is even higher among second marriages , but there was little comfort in being part of such a depressing statistic .
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