Example sentences of "[vb past] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When Mrs Orton proposed that they listen to the Queen 's Speech on the radio , Bill 's only protest was to produce a bottle of brandy from his case , open one of his gift books , roll himself a cigarette with gift tobacco , lean back and stare covertly at his son .
2 They proposed that they became Frankish vassals in return for protection against the expanding might of Abd-ar-Rahman the Ommeyad , who had taken over virtually the whole of Spain .
3 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
4 He clearly demonstrated that they formed their spores in sac-like structures known as asci , typical of the Ascomycetes .
5 The current generation of devices has already established a growing acceptance of electronic media among information users and demonstrated that they have a choice in the way they get access to the resources they need .
6 As long ago as 1893 , I.S. Leadam demonstrated that they did in fact enjoy the protection of the courts .
7 It helped that they believed in his faked war record and legends such as that the religious leader Gregorio Aglipay inserted a slither of wood into Marcos 's back before the Bataan campaign in 1942 , allegedly giving him magic powers .
8 Indeed , Eoin O'Duffy , who led an Irish contingent to Spain to help Franco , maintained that they had gone to fight the battle of Christianity against Communism , a view which was confirmed for them by the Irish Dominican father , Revd Paul O' Sullivan when he said :
9 Here , however , lay the crux of the matter , for the King of Prussia and his government maintained that they had never been officially associated with Leopold , whose activities were purely personal , and that the King was concerned with the matter only as head of the House of Hohenzollern .
10 The prosecution alleged that they took part in a plan to offload cannabis resin at the Norfolk coast , the accused maintained that they had helped to load the cannabis on to the tug , but the drug was destined for Holland and not the UK .
11 The Staufer maintained that they accepted the magisterial primacy of the Roman Church — the pope 's power to approve and anoint the emperor — but they challenged the jurisdictional primacy , namely the pope 's claim to appoint the emperor .
12 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
13 Such mishaps were bad omens , and though the townspeople maintained that they did not take the Wheel seriously they were happier when all went according to plan .
14 After the Fleischmann and Pons press conference in 1989 Jones recalled this early achievement of ‘ breakeven ’ in muon catalysed fusion and joked that they had wondered whether to call a press conference in 1982 and announce that energy output from fusion had been accomplished .
15 It is customary for artists to feel antagonism towards critics , and though Sylvester was welcomed at the Royal College 's Senior Common Room , the painters sometimes joked that they found their ideas a week later in the pages of The Listener translated into the very different language of the critic : Minton , accordingly , coined the term ‘ pre-Sylvestration ’ to refer to this process .
16 She rejected about a dozen of these sample shades before she mentioned that they cost sixty or seventy pence each .
17 Venture capital giant 3i had not used executive search at all in the past four years but mentioned that they had lost a number of people through headhunters .
18 Some people mentioned that they acted as models to their patients .
19 John Gorman says … he 's happy but in some ways disappointed that they 've had to wait so long for a win … it 's been hard week after week … but they 've shown great character and the fans have been very supportive
20 Success will depend very largely on the dancer 's own sense of timing and ability so to perform the gestures created that they convey meaning which makes sense within the context of the ballet .
21 If you er using a similar example , if , if you were looking after the neighbour 's house while they 're away on holiday and found that they 'd been broken into , then that would n't necessarily be a nine nine nine call , unless you thought there was somebody in the house .
22 Studies on savants who can tell you the day of the week on which you were born found that they followed the rules of a calendar to work out the dates .
23 And so the Air Staff found that they had a vociferous and powerful industrial lobby in both Westminster and Whitehall to back their case for GOR 339 .
24 Looking cautiously out , the intruders found that they had holed up directly opposite the main German headquarters .
25 The Prussian banks found that they had been lending increasing amounts to the Junkers to maintain a lifestyle rather than to finance the modernisation of facilities and improve agricultural methods .
26 When bad times came and wages were below the level on which they could support their families , the labourers found that they had to ask the authorities of the parish in which they lived for relief ; in other words they became paupers , who could be sent to the workhouse .
27 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
28 They had backed up huge demands for cost of living allowances and then found that they had to find the money .
29 The two men exchanged experiences and found that they had heard the same noises of heavy breathing and the kick on the door .
30 Nicholas 's nephew Thomas Collett , a barrister , and his wife came to Little Gidding in 1628 but after two years found that they had no vocation for its kind of life and returned to London .
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