Example sentences of "[vb past] that [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 He found that although in theory , workovers should not have caused changes to the wells ' productivity , productivity had been reduced — by up to 40 per cent in some cases .
2 The New Survey of London Life and Labour agreed with this assessment and reported that whereas in the 1880s homework had been done primarily to supplement wages , in the 1930s women tended to work in order to buy extras , reflecting the greater regularity of men 's employment , together with a more efficient social security system for the families of the unemployed .
3 Moscow expected that as in the case of the Baghdad Pact it would not include the United States by formal association .
4 In ‘ The Decline of the English Murder ’ he argued that whereas in the past murder had been a serious business involving strong personal commitments and emotions , it had now become an almost casual affair informed by ‘ the anonymous life of dance-halls and the false values of the American film ’ .
5 He added that as in previous redundancies , a re-settlement officer had been appointed to help those leaving the Commission .
6 He also stated that although in acute illness low potencies could be effective , in chronic conditions high potencies were much more likely to produce good results if the most similar remedy could be discerned .
7 A recent government survey showed that while in 1961 only 57 per cent of the total workforce in full-time employment was covered , the proportion increased to 73 per cent in 1970 and by 1974 it reached 80 per cent of men and 78 per cent of women in full-time employment .
8 Hickson alleged that while in the police station where he had been taken by P.C. Torney on a charge of having stolen 10&shilling from the pocket of his clothes in a cubicle at the Corporation Swimming Baths , the constable gave him a violent blow to the eye , and followed this up by two blows to the body … he was subsequently acquitted on this charge .
9 This , yoked with the survival of unpaid feudal service on the lord 's land , the lord 's continued control of woodlands , common land , open fields and meadows used for grazing , and the continued obligation of the tenant to consume only alcohol which had been distilled through the lord 's own stills , meant that while in theory Prussian serfdom was abolished by 1850 , in practice it was not really seriously undermined in Pomerania until the agricultural review of 1865 .
10 Customs said that while in many cases a final answer can be sent within this deadline , letters requesting advice on more complex issues ‘ may need longer consideration ’ and in such cases it may only be able to send an acknowledgement within the ten days .
11 That stance was supported by the university 's rector , the rock musician Donnie Munro , who said that although in an ideal world he would hope such a sale would not be necessary , there may be little alternative .
12 He said that if in future I needed to sell oriental porcelain I should go to M. Bourget , in the rue de Berri , and mention Helmut 's name .
13 To a boy who declares himself stuck about what colour to use , he says : ‘ Well , Sickert said that when in doubt put a little of the last colour into the next colour you use , and that gives harmony : it does n't work to use a colour in isolation — white and black are the two parents , red in isolation can appear like a wound in the picture — it 's like friendships , we all know the awful consequences if a new person joins a group and the friendships are n't mixed through , it 's the same with colours . ’
14 In 1982 , the Joint Liberal/SDP Commission for Constitutional Reform calculated that if in England there was , as compared to the 1979 general election , an even switch of votes from the Labour and Conservative Parties to the Alliance such that each of the three groupings secured 33 per cent of the vote , then the Alliance would still only gain 56 seats as compared to 207 for the Conservatives and 253 for Labour .
15 The polls suggested that whereas in November 1991 Bush was leading Buchanan amongst Republicans within the state by 56 per cent to 20 per cent , by mid-January this margin had been cut by 10 per cent .
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