Example sentences of "[vb past] that [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Mossad proposed that to conceal the plan they would send TOW missiles to Iran from their own stocks and America would ship them replenishments .
2 In addition to demonstrating the ease with which rats substitute one movement for another in reaching their goal he also demonstrated that cutting the nerve fibres that join the visual to the motor cortex does not interfere with associative learning , as Pavlov had predicted it would .
3 Just as the regime had decided , by 1859 , to make land available to serfs ( not merely to emancipate them ) , so now it grasped that strengthening the centre 's authority in the countryside ran counter to the policy of increasing the freedom of its subjects .
4 Statements in favour of the ‘ freedom of the press ’ and the ‘ freedom to publish ’ — from Milton 's Areopagitica of 1644 onwards — were , therefore , intended as replies to those who maintained that granting the press its freedom would pose threats to the stability of the state .
5 He also found that moulding the right shape was more important than pecking up loose stuff , and that they would mould in a bean bag as well as in straw .
6 In his study of Portuguese and English versions of Brazilian academic abstracts , Johns ( 1991 : 6 ) found that abandoning the thematic organization of the source language , in this case Portuguese , ‘ often gives a perfectly acceptable English text ’ .
7 I found that raising the volume helped to improve the realism but I would have like more presence and crisper definition .
8 And , by extending this line of argument , he found that surrounding the flame by a wire gauze had the same cooling effect .
9 The Times of June 8 reported that following the riots the government had granted Belgian nationality to 40,000 immigrants , most of whom came from north Africa , and had made it easier for those born in Belgium of foreign parents to gain citizenship .
10 We went to the museum with all aspects of the Great Western Railway and finally to the gift shop , the only one we visited that had the Bishop 's Castle Railway book on sale .
11 De Candolle realized that to explain the existence of these provinces would require naturalists to tackle the question of the actual origin of species , although at this point he thought the matter was beyond the scope of scientific investigation .
12 A heavy fog had descended upon us , and we realized that finding the other two divers had to be the immediate priority .
13 As Miranda poured her coffee , she realized that checking the share price would now be her first priority every morning .
14 Then , turning to the Bukharin-Stalin argument , he agreed that recognizing the right to secede would vary according to the social transition involved .
15 She rang up her friend Kate and told her all about it and Kate agreed that telling the police would be going too far .
16 All authorities agreed that adding the substance to water was the best way to limit the daily dosage .
17 As a result of all this they realised that to complete the measurements on the range of electrodes and to see how they depend on the other experimental conditions would take nearly three years .
18 A number of issues arose that emphasised the difficulties that safety committees encounter because of the absence of trade union representation .
19 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton disaster .
20 Questioned by the procurator-fiscal , Andrew Normand , British Rail 's director of operations at the time , Terence Worrall , admitted that had the sheriff 's deliberations been fully taken into account , additional safety procedures would have been introduced which would have prevented the Newton accident .
21 It was not so much the observations and experiments which Galileo made that caused the break with tradition as his attitude to them .
22 At the subsequent AGM of the Alliance , Charles Ward argued that following the electoral truce of the war years conscientiously observed by the Alliance but not its opponents , the organisation had made up lost ground through steady educative work , and was now able ‘ to get in closer touch with the people ’ ( SE 12 February 21 ) .
23 Although conservatives argued that visiting the shrine — particularly on Aug. 15 , the anniversary of the ending of the Pacific War — was a legitimate means of paying respect to the dead , others interpreted it as paying homage to an outdated militarist philosophy and its discredited adherents .
24 Mr Tsongas , a pro-business liberal , argued that to restart the campaign he abandoned three weeks ago for lack of funds would only make him a spoiler .
25 The Educational Institute of Scotland argued that introducing the policy nationally should be postponed until the future shape of local government was decided .
26 Much of the early commentary argued that improving the quality of working life was an appropriate social goal for modern industrial economies , where levels of education and affluence had increased living standards and aspiration levels .
27 For example , Phoenix , in her study of women who had their first child between the age of 16 and 19 , argued that contrasting the lives of Black and white women did little to illuminate their experiences of becoming a mother ( Phoenix , 1991 ) .
28 It is perhaps the understandable reluctance to see such assets wasted that explains the determination , tenacity and moderate success of women in accountancy .
29 Her schoolmaster father had been a disciplinarian who firmly believed that sparing the rod spoilt the child and whose memory caused many a local male heart to tremble .
30 He believed that combining the selective use of headhunters with sound internal management development was the most effective way to establish a management team .
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