Example sentences of "[vb past] not know that " in BNC.

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1 As Cameron opened with his usual explanation of the Act , he did not know that the Reverend William McIvor , a tall whiskery man with coarse orange hair and very pale blue eyes , had stayed outside his manse , in the cover of a thick yew tree , and was listening hard with a hand cupped round his ear .
2 He did not know that in his last months he had developed a fatal heart condition .
3 ‘ But in May 1945 I did not know that they would be killed and I did not know until Count Tolstoy drew it to my attention in 1979 , 1980 and 1985 .
4 After years of living with Lewis she still knew but did not know that ‘ a man ’ could regard reading as the main business of the day and everything else as an interruption .
5 The party who supplies the infant does so at his peril ; it will not avail him that he did not know that he was dealing with an infant , or that he thought that his position in life was such as to make the goods necessary , or that he did not know that the infant was already sufficiently supplied .
6 The party who supplies the infant does so at his peril ; it will not avail him that he did not know that he was dealing with an infant , or that he thought that his position in life was such as to make the goods necessary , or that he did not know that the infant was already sufficiently supplied .
7 The results showed that 49% of farmers did not know that ADAS offered public good advice .
8 He had not read the Tower Commission 's report , evidently ; did not know that McFarlane had pleaded guilty to misdemeanours ; did not know the substance of the charges against Poindexter ; had not altered in any particular the mythology created when the edifice had first crashed down , in November 1986 .
9 They did not know that liberal humanism was powerless in the face of fascism .
10 Similarly , the Prevention of Terrorism Act requires bankers to prove that they did not know that a client 's funds were serving terrorism .
11 But they did not know that in the beginning , as Mrs Irving expatiated in her cracked and gracious voice on the high brick wall which dated from the Civil War , and earlier still , which had formed one boundary of General Fairfax 's lands when Putney was a separate village , when Cromwell 's Trained Bands assembled there , when the Putney Debates on liberty of conscience were held in St Mary 's Church on the bridge .
12 Obviously , as a young woman , with only enthusiasm and few resources , I did not know that the Blackwomen 's Creativity Project would be creating history by staging exhibitions and events .
13 Yet it is true to say that the nuances of the legal institutions were imperfectly understood : if the epitomator of Gaius knew that there were differences between legacies and trusts , he still did not know that the word fideicommissarius should refer to the beneficiary of a trust and not to the trustee .
14 ‘ When Florence Nightingale said bluntly that if you overcrowded your soldiers in dirty quarters there would be an outbreak of smallpox , she was snubbed as an ignorant female who did not know that smallpox can be produced only by the importation of its specific microbe , ’ Shaw remarks .
15 They did not reflect that they were young , they did not know that they were beautiful .
16 Also , I am not a typist and I would never have written my first book if I did not know that Joyce was able and willing to decipher my handwriting , unsnarl my spelling and type the manuscript .
17 She did not know that I was to be there and came forward saying : ‘ My dear Elizabeth , what a very nice surprise .
18 Such a sentence as ‘ He feels sad ’ would be unintelligible without assimilation to my own feelings ; and although ‘ He is sad ’ is interpretable as a dispositional statement about behaviour , in the manner worked out in Ryle 's Concept of mind , someone who did not know that it entails ‘ He feels sad ’ could not be said fully to understand it .
19 She did not know that it had been spiked with tranquillisers until she woke up some time later .
20 He said last night : ‘ I did not know that a policewoman had been stabbed but something serious had obviously happened .
21 By the time we arrived at the sea , those of us who did not know that stretch of coastline were completely removed from any sense of place or direction .
22 ‘ I did not know that you had bought her a ring today , until we came back , ’ she said .
23 Where a defendant states that he did not know that he was disqualified this will not amount to a defence Taylor v Kenyon [ 1952 ] 2 All ER 726 .
24 I did not know that this is going to happen . ’
25 The jury which made the award did not know that 56-year-old Susie Quintana had lost her long fight for life the day before .
26 Software602 sales manager Jan Muhlfeit said that the teenagers , all aged between 16 and 18 , had written a letter to the Alliance apologising for their actions — they claimed they did not know that they were doing anything wrong .
27 They looked as if they had been arranged by some cleaner who had been sent in to tidy up and who did not know that in this room Ernest Jarvis had hanged himself .
28 She was allowed to continue with her mending — she did not know that we had spread a thick layer of gum upon the chair and was surprised at the alacrity with which we saw to all her needs so that she should never move .
29 Anna shut the door again , she did not know that Mena had followed her , and walked round the house and came in by the terrace , a smile on her face .
30 Elaine still did not know that he was going to lose his job .
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