Example sentences of "[vb past] it had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The chief of the Near East Division had sat him down one day to try to teach him about Iran , but he doubted it had gone in .
2 It was discarded when shelving had to be cleared away from a wall on which a mural had been discovered after being painted over in the Stalinist era when the artist who created it had fallen out of favour .
3 I bit the shell of one and gave the kernel to her , and then bit another and pretended it had broken one of my teeth and I was in too much pain . ’
4 The round-up took two weeks and the army found it had to move 232 elephants .
5 After introducing it to an 18″ x 12″ aquarium I soon found it had re-arranged the substrate to form a small barricade at the front of the tank .
6 There was another advantage late on a lunch-time in that there were always a few city slickers who had ventured north by north-west ( of the Barbican ) to try the Hoskin 's or the Holden 's bitter and found it had got the better of them , so needed a taxi back to civilization .
7 Driving the Felder , I looked back towards the ranch and found it had disappeared .
8 The manager of the new company , Wimpey-Gilbert , said he believed it had to start building a business now in order to address future problems of dismantling nuclear plants and disposing of waste .
9 In that first parliament of his , immediately after his coronation , he had refrained from asking for money , had even prided himself on his princely forbearance , and believed it had won him friends and trust .
10 the trouble was in many ways is the man that booked it had had thirty five years ' experience of removals , he knew all the country you see .
11 But when the morning came it had seemed disgraceful to pretend illness and let everybody down .
12 Mr Clarke said he assumed it had done a U-turn across the central reservation .
13 He admitted fondling his ex-girlfriend 's daughter , but Social services assumed it had accurred 5 years before and his own children were n't in danger .
14 A plaque beside the empty reflecting pool and its silent fountains explained that the water system which filled it had become ‘ obsolete ’ in the nineteenth century .
15 However , when I stripped the pump off the block , cleaned it and left it on the workbench , I noticed it had leaked a small amount of oil from a 1.5mm hole located near the back underside of the pump .
16 It was a guess , though scarcely a wild one , and Cunningham 's reaction confirmed it had hit the mark .
17 A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed it had decided against referring the sentence to the Attorney General .
18 A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed it had decided against referring the sentence to the Attorney General .
19 At one time Dalgety was up 16p as Elf Aquitaine , the French oil group , confirmed it had formed a joint company with Australian Robert Holmes a Court to hold a 5.5 per cent stake in the Dalgety agricultural and food group .
20 In a separate development , British Aerospace confirmed it had raised its stake in Ferranti to 1.7 per cent through the purchase of 5.72 million shares .
21 Yesterday the International Squash Players Association confirmed it had received the $15,000 ( £9,400 ) withheld after Jansher 's walkout from the World Open 's official dinner .
22 Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries was strongly in demand after results today showed it had made record half-year profits .
23 Property Management , of Darlington , claimed it had served a notice to quit on Finnegan last September .
24 A FRESH row brewed last night over the contentious Channel Tunnel rail link through the south-east of England after the Labour Party claimed it had obtained full details of the route .
25 Beecham claimed it had lost $24 million because of ‘ significant errors ’ in an over-optimistic YCS forecast , based on a Laboratory Test Market study , of the prospects for Delicare Cold Water Wash .
26 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Council claimed it had received letters of protest from residents opposed to a trial scheme to allow fishing on three lakes in the borough .
27 He was without a car for two days and claimed it had cost him at least £300 in business .
28 But they claimed it had halted near by . ’
29 Last week Morocco claimed it had killed or wounded 80 Polisario guerrillas and had lost 14 soldiers , including a colonel , when Polisario attacked its defences near the Mauritanian border .
30 Last year the ministry claimed it had made progress , only to find it had to revise its figures to reveal no progress had been made for five years .
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