Example sentences of "[vb past] it [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 While the councillors felt it appropriate that the Church Hall should be put to some use they objected to the proposal for a function room and made the following points :
2 Not least , the absence of any serious rationing of consumer goods , and the large number of exemptions from military service for skilled workers and farmers made it appear that the regime was well in control of developments , did not fear a war on the 1914–18 scale , and was even rather generous in its provisioning arrangements .
3 This made it appear that he threw the ball when bowling at his fastest ; when he reduced his pace he was relatively innocuous .
4 What did it matter that she could n't understand what they were saying ?
5 What did it matter that she did n't know what to say to him ?
6 ‘ But why did it matter that she teased you , love ? ’
7 Nor did it mean that Germany and the countries associated with her would be let in until they had purged their crimes .
8 Only in the last months of her life did it appear that her policy might not be sustained , because of the changed situation in England and France .
9 How did you how d how did it arise that there was this degree of cooperation ?
10 How much of a difference to your family did it make that you were working , financially ?
11 Nor did it demand that Israel , like the PLO , abandon the use of violence in its treatment of enemy civilians either inside or beyond the territories under its control .
12 Only much later , in court , did it transpire that the witness could not possibly have seen the suspect 's face at the distance 75 metres in conditions of semi-darkness .
13 To neither Pound nor Yeats did it seem that Virgil had much or anything to say about this matter which so preoccupied them .
14 Nor did it help that the morning , which had started so bright , began to cloud over .
15 He will recall that , when British Rail proposed that Waterloo should be the first channel tunnel station , not only did it say that one station was sufficient and that it did not need a second one but , in the case which it put to the House of Lords during the discussions , it said specifically that King 's Cross was not an appropriate location for a second station .
16 Did they say owt and that when you ordered it , did it say that you were n't satisfied er that you 'd have postage to pay ?
17 Only later did it emerge that the Germans had supported his candidature for the post of High Commissioner in Danzig , and that he had since 1920 been on very friendly terms with Baron Ernst von Wiesäker , the head of the political section of the German Foreign Office .
18 Only then did it emerge that the settlers did not really know what they intended to do .
19 Only gradually did it emerge that she was rather a miniature whirlwind , perhaps an inch shorter even than Charlotte , but so slender that she escaped looking like a pocket edition .
20 But how did it happen that the Davy miner 's lamp worked out so well for the owners and so badly for the miners ?
21 That being the case how did it happen that a system which worked so ill had not been altered long ago ?
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