Example sentences of "[vb past] to this man " in BNC.

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1 I went to this man today and he 's a real doddery old soul and he 's the same age as gran
2 She giggled suddenly and took another swig from the bottle , carelessly wiping away the champagne that trickled down the sides of her mouth with the back of her hand , in a gesture that proved to this man she was n't the least bit impressed or intimidated by his overbearing attitude .
3 ‘ I wonder , ’ she said to this man .
4 So erm they all looked at him , you know , the district nurses so John said to this man what there are some of our patients who are housebound
5 We left there , we left about half five , six in the morning did n't we and we were getting lost in and we knew it was in the village in that town but we could n't find it and we kept getting lost so we all pulled her up and he went back and he said to this man can you tell me where the
6 But I felt such a twit , cos I said to this man I , I do n't know about you , but I ca n't get my money .
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