Example sentences of "[vb past] a [adj] time " in BNC.

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31 The part of her story about the pressure of Government cuts was true , and it seemed a long time since she 'd existed in a world that was n't penny-pinching .
32 It seemed a long time before footsteps came along the hall , the door was pushed wider and Guy appeared with an armful of logs .
33 He took the instrument and listened to Sandy 's heart for what seemed a long time .
34 It seemed a long time when I was a little girl , ’ added Mrs Teasdale .
35 But it seemed a long time .
36 I remember myself , one time we had we had two grand fields and it were They were almost ripe when it came an awful time of rain , and they were just a sort of flattened .
37 The moon was full , the sky clear ; it seemed an ideal time for the manifestation of ghosts .
38 Adam nodded a third time .
39 So Middleton did two sorties I believe , and on each occasion he brought back an aircraft that was no longer capable of flying and was a write-off , it had so much flak and fighter damage , When the same thing happened a second time I had Middleton in and told him that one of his problems was his navigator who was just not able to navigate him round the very heavy flak areas .
40 But this , as he would say , is a long story , and happened a long time ago .
41 After all , these things happened a long time ago .
42 Historical events that happened a long time ago .
43 I do n't know when this story started but it certainly happened a long time ago .
44 She swallowed hard and began , ‘ Well , the Big Bang happened a long time ago .
45 But then , all this business happened a long time ago .
46 ‘ I did n't see the relevance of something that happened a long time ago .
47 ‘ It happened a long time ago , my dear , when we were quite small , romping in the wood .
48 They were principally used on board ship to measure its speed by counting the number of knots paid out on a line tied to a log floating astern , while the sand-glass measured a given time that was usually half a minute .
49 The Agriculture Minister , Mr John Gummer , and the Scottish Secretary , Mr Malcolm Rifkind , celebrated the small gains they had been able to negotiate , but admitted that the industry in Britain faced a tough time in the coming year .
50 She was also hungry , very hungry , she acknowledged a short time later as she did justice to the duckling and fresh vegetables Roman had ordered .
51 ‘ The coach arrived a long time ago !
52 Zen flashed his identification with contemptuous brevity and then allowed a little time for the mechanic 's fear to be fruitful and multiply .
53 Wee Charlie shrieked a last time , and promptly vanished from view .
54 I realized a long time ago why you were so set on Charlie and me marrying , and I 'm very fond of him , and I 'd like to go on living at Lady Mead for the rest of my life .
55 ‘ Do you understand me ? ’ he asked a second time .
56 The Liberal party disintegrated a second time .
57 Erm in the nineteen fifties and right up until I became a full time official , erm there was generated an opinion that if companies were financially well off , due to the effort of the employees , then there was some formal entitlement for employees in these particular undertakings , to put forward a separate claim at domestic level , to , to enhance their pay .
58 I think that er one of the things that we had to examine at national level er and this was done erm after I became a full time officer , erm there 'd usually be a procedure in the national agreement er whereby first of all if we registered failure to agree at domestic level , erm with the management , the next stage was to draw in the district secretary .
59 They when I when I became a full time employer er a full time employee with the union it was all more or less small bakeries .
60 Then that I got that book back when I became a full time official it was still in the still in the office .
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