Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But as Elisabeth stood watching she noticed that where the sea met the shore it broke in lively foam .
2 Once she met the Queen she would not need fitzAlan 's protection .
3 The one major event which happened to me at Binbrook , and which was going to change my life , was that I met the man I was eventually to marry , although a lot of water would flow under the bridge before the wedding took place .
4 We next met the day he arrived in Normandy .
5 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
6 As soon as Jaq met the Astropath he guessed that there was more awaiting .
7 When I met the mother she was extremely depressed verging on suicidal and was given by the workers at the clinic a new sari to try and cheer her up .
8 In a few months , he discovered the sufferings of the world , found his calling as an artist , met the woman he was to marry , and became Werner Bischof , one of the finest photographers of his time .
9 They were a day out of Pesth on the way to Kinsai and Rostov was concerned that when he met the Kha-Khan he would be able to speak enough Yek to conduct a simple conversation .
10 In the vote on the NUM motion three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership : the NUM lacked the support it commanded last month at Blackpool from Nalgo , the local government officers ' union , since the latter is not affiliated to the party ; the pro-nuclear EETPU , absent from Blackpool since its expulsion from the TUC , cast its votes in favour of the leadership 's stance ; and Ucatt , the construction union , previously in favour of the 15-year deadline , has recently withdrawn its opposition to the policy review plan .
11 Years later when The Great Bastard pulled down the monasteries and emptied the convents I took Johanna into my own home .
12 Then as the first shrill blast pierced the air he slammed the car into gear and glared at her .
13 They divided the way we communicate with each other into.three categories and called these Parent , Adult and Child .
14 Monty was supposed to be on the wagon and I certainly did n't see him drinking , until I discovered that every time he passed the bar he 'd pick up any bottle that was on the bar and drink it .
15 As he passed the bar he briefly held up what Lucy assumed must be his warrant card .
16 ‘ As I passed the boy I saw in the mirror the car had pulled out sharply to overtake and I just heard the bang .
17 It was almost a habit with Pascoe : every time he passed the phone he called Sophie ; and every time he got a machine with a message .
18 As soon as she passed the gate she could hear the sirens of ambulances echoing round the valley , and see the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles .
19 Whenever I passed the Treasurer he was talking not of £s but of the difficulty of ‘ number 14 ’ .
20 Erm I remem erm y you used to erm erm take , have to take exams and if you passed the exams you could go to Alma Green Secondary School .
21 On the way I passed the rabbit I thought had escaped , lying just before the sparkling clean water of the stream ; blackened and contorted , locked into a weird , twisted crouch , its dead dry eyes staring up at me as I passed by , accusatory .
22 As I passed the ladies I noticed that the beer crates stashed in front of the Fire Exit had been moved aside .
23 As she passed the vicarage she was startled to see Faustina picking her way along the front wall with a palm cross in her mouth .
24 As she passed the steward she nodded .
25 Next day Walesa threatened that he would dissolve parliament unless it passed the amendments he wanted , in time for an October election .
26 But by then he had already come to doubt whether Parliament shared the commitment he felt , with Harrison , to the kingdom of Christ on earth .
27 She shared the perplexity she had felt as a young officer when she first discovered that a certain number of votes were required to elect a General .
28 After they had devoured the nuts and drunk the lemonade they discussed who would write what for the Gazette .
29 They pooled the information they had gleaned or guessed from their several interrogations , and then began in again .
30 If you respected the law you would n't survive .
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