Example sentences of "[vb past] only [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The taxi driver , who asked only to be known as Terry , became the next victim of the knifeman .
2 His spirits lifted only to be dashed half an hour later when the hoarseness reappeared .
3 He expected Charity to scoff at such weakness , but surprisingly , she seemed only to be concerned with how that could be arranged .
4 He seemed only to be able to breathe shallowly .
5 By February 1940 he had drafted two out of the five sections , and was describing the poem as a successor to " Burnt Norton " — he was still not at all sure of its worth , however , since he seemed only to be imitating himself .
6 ‘ Then I woke up one summer morning-it was still dark , the birds were just starting their dawn chorus , and on that particular day there seemed only to be crows — and I felt very cold .
7 The next thought came only to be dismissed : like a man crossed in love ?
8 On at least one occasion , a general telephoned only to be told by an aide that she was just rushing out .
9 True to style , Mr Pozsgay claimed only to be a sympathiser of the movement and not its instigator .
10 The Ivorian government claimed only to be providing humanitarian assistance to refugees from the conflict .
11 The kind Julian had offered their house and on an impulse she 'd accepted , relieved only to be free from the demands of the parish .
12 Even if the courts purported only to be concerned with the fairness of the process of policy making and not with the substance of the policies made , it is very difficult to draw a sharp distinction between process and substance : complaints about process are usually , at bottom , complaints about substance — ‘ if we had been treated fairly , the outcome would have been different ’ .
13 His goal remained , as it had always been , partnership with Britain within the empire , and he required only to be convinced of British sincerity in working towards this goal to accept the principle of reaching it by easy stages .
14 Typically , the sterling area was assumed a ‘ good thing ’ , the justification of which needed only to be made to foreigners ( especially Americans ) .
15 Shafts sunk below it however , had to be pumped or baled , though the water needed only to be raised to Deep Adit , through which it ran to the open fell side .
16 The completed cross-cut now meant that water needed only to be lifted to the level and allowed to run out to day .
17 As the rock shaft reached the Deep Level horizon , a link was driven to the East Shaft , and from then on , debris from the continued sinking and seepage needed only to be lifted to that height .
18 And yet Craig meant only to be kind , reassuring , and gradually , Hari 's sobs subsided .
19 MGM was not quite as happy with The Crowd ( 1928 ) , which was held back for a year and temporarily given a happy ending and which proved only to be as Kine Weekly predicted ‘ a sound box office success ’ rather than a runaway winner .
20 At a depth of 16 metres he came across a larger than life size bronze foot sticking out of the sand that proved only to be the tip of a large area of buried statues dating from the fifth century BC to the fourth century AD .
21 They rang the various commercial recorded lines which hinted they were offering sexual innuendo , which proved only to be glamour girls talking about dieting or holiday-making .
22 While figures for the year showed an increase in real growth of 2.9 per cent , business investment was down 3 per cent , consumer spending down 0.1 per cent and the growth elements appeared only to be in home purchases and government spending .
23 Emilia wished only to be heard .
24 If Edwin did not mind , she wished only to be left alone .
25 In a sense the music existed rather for the participants than the hearers ; thus they wished only to be helped , or nudged , not commanded , when in danger of error .
26 The television had not defeated her because nothing had ever gone wrong with it , and it had only to be switched on and off or , scarcely more complicated , over .
27 The Shetlanders were the only children I have ever known who had only to be asked once to perform in public , without even token resistance they took to their fiddles and played .
28 Jurors had only to be ‘ of sufficient intelligence and respectability ’ , but in 1 868 a financial test was instituted in order to exclude low-status white-collar workers .
29 It had only to be channelled .
30 He had only to be patient .
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