Example sentences of "[vb past] think she [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd thought she could cope with her fears .
2 He seemed to think she would be capable on a boat .
3 He seemed to think she should simply take him at his word .
4 Lou seemed to think she 'd have dolled herself up a bit before he came .
5 I began to think she would be worthy in time of being my mistress , which till now I had been a little scrupulous about .
6 They headed north , and after a few minutes she began to think she might actually survive .
7 Until , in the end , Carrie began to think she must have made it all up , that she had just dreamed all those things he had said .
8 ‘ And perhaps he did think she would be better off without him ! ’
9 She liked to think she could do it all .
10 Maxine confessed that there had been times when she had thought she might be going mad , so great was her horror of water .
11 Yesterday , she had thought she might have a healthy career in front of her .
12 But she knew all the same that no-one had thought she might leave the tent which seemed warm now and dense with the presence of Antoine — Only he 's dead now , is n't he ?
13 I really had thought she would go berserk , but she just trembled from head to toe , and was only calmed slightly by the sound of my voice .
14 Sean was smug to be the source of information but somehow disconcerted that Benny did n't get embarrassed as he had thought she would .
15 She had thought she would hear him calling Rob 's name but instead he hissed , ‘ It 's Mac 's girl . ’
16 At first I had thought she would recover , but when I learned her illness was serious , I decided to visit her at night , for what might be the last time .
17 There had been times when she had thought she would never be able to put herself back together .
18 Her mother had thought she would fail and had pinned all her hopes on Dana , who 'd begun to attract the attention of the Press .
19 ‘ I had thought she would come back with him as he leaves for Paris on Sunday . ’
20 He remembered the art exhibition at Royalbion House and how he had thought she would make the ideal companion for his life .
21 She felt far more … dressed … than she had thought she would .
22 He had thought she must be joking , but she was n't .
23 He had thought she 'd rally round even though he had n't been in touch for nearly a year .
24 She had thought she 'd give Maura 's long blonde hair a few good tugs , a scratch or two on her face , and then home to tea , basking in the other girls ' admiration .
25 I had thought she 'd be here before me . ’
26 She said , ‘ Oliver , ’ and there was no answer , though she had thought she could hear him breathing .
27 And she had thought she could subjugate him !
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