Example sentences of "[vb past] come to [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , the landlords sought to come to an arrangement with the sub-tenant , a Mr Clayton , under which they would peaceably re-enter the premises and change the locks .
2 While McEnroe , who appeared far from visibly insecure , enjoyed watching the following match between compatriots Andre Agassi and Michael Chang , a clearly embarrassed Babcock was left to confirm that if he failed to come to a press conference after his next match — against Goran Ivanisevic tonight — he would be fined up to $10,000 .
3 We had tea afterwards in a hotel in Berthing , but we failed to come to an agreement .
4 If people expected to come to a meeting to make a decision , they will feel let down if the meeting does not reach one .
5 They agreed to come to the negotiating table and Robert Carnwath , with their counsel , drafted terms of agreement under which a settlement could be worked out .
6 I went to see a debt counsellor and she agreed to come to the bank with me .
7 He paused at a street corner and tried to come to a decision .
8 " And then , about four months ago , Mr. Andrew stopped coming to the office .
9 If the case had been one of estoppel , it might be said that in any event the estoppel would cease when the conditions to which the representation applied came to an end , or it also might be said that it would only come to an end on notice .
10 For after another second or two of awkward silence , his lordship seemed to come to a decision .
11 Their on-off relationship , which seemed to come to a sudden end two years ago , was re-kindled earlier this year with a romantic holiday to Mauritius .
12 He seemed to come to a decision and stared hard at Jack Stone .
13 Unlike the interregional decentralization , which seemed to come to an end in the mid-'70s , this process seemed set to continue , at least in relative terms .
14 It was a good ten minutes later when they seemed to come to the last of The Courts , for the houses dropped down to two-storey , then one-storey ; and then they were confronted by an iron open-work gate set in a brick wall all of seven feet high .
15 Anyway , one lady came came to the house whilst I was here and she said oh it 's not quite what I want .
16 And at the last him happened to come to a fair green way .
17 It was like watching a film or a play and you 're totally caught up in what 's going on and you 're taken out of yourself and everything suddenly has colour and meaning and magic and you forget that outside the rain 's tippling down and tomorrow 's homework has n't been done and you 've got to wash the car to pay Dad back for the money you borrowed to come to the film because you were skint till the end of next week .
18 In his speech Kozyrev had accused Western powers of interfering in the former Soviet Union , claimed the right to use military action in the area , and threatened to come to the aid of Serbia .
19 Moderation and reasonableness began to come to the fore .
20 But when the long hard Chinese winter was nearly over , the villagers began to come to the house of Dai Huang .
21 Often it is only when their disposal did not go as planned that their existence or the fact that they once existed comes to the historian 's attention .
22 What Harry Lime missed out on , though , was the fact that if he 'd gone Club 18–30 instead of Austrian Airlines , and taken a couple of friends in tow who were paying the full price , he could have copped for a massive sixty sovs off his bill , got a suntan into the bargain , and avoided coming to a very nasty end in the sewers .
23 She moved violently in her sleep — and started to come to the surface of that sleep , just as , outside the hotel , there was a sudden screech of tyres on tarmac as brakes were slammed on .
24 He decided to come to the point .
25 Robert decided to come to the point .
26 She needed to come to a decision quickly .
27 She loved coming to the house .
28 Patsy started coming to a day class with twelve others .
29 There was nothing political in this , and , when the Young Liberals branch had closed down , they all started coming to the YCs .
30 Another , a business woman , often under considerable pressure , managed to come to an arrangement with her voluble but good-humoured mother , that she could terminate any of their telephone conversations speedily if necessary , without giving offence , simply by saying , ‘ Well , I 'm afraid it 's all action stations here now , so I 'll have to say goodbye ’ ; and it worked remarkably well .
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