Example sentences of "[vb past] about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And no matter how the experts argued about the legitimacy of descent through the female line , nevertheless the people recognised no bar , and the council had accepted it as just and right when Richard , in view of his childlessness , had been urged to name his heir presumptive , and had named Philippa 's elder son , Roger , earl of March .
2 Philosophers argued about the existence of God .
3 They argued about the hound that evening , and as they argued Stapleton told her about Mrs Lyons .
4 Everyone argued about the jury .
5 Then argued about the wisdom of drinking before an overnight sail .
6 backing up , when I er , at , at the appeal , the medical centre made a very long presentation over the proximity , the closeness to their erm , surgery and they argued about the height of buildings , now it got passed as sheltered united , er , which means elderly and quiet occupancy .
7 And although none of the critics called him a genius for playing in them , none argued about the extent of his talent either .
8 Rather , they lived in practical uncertainty , often felt threatened , and then argued about the justice and permanence of the new order created for them .
9 The acrid smell of smoke clung about the place , black smudges streaking the walls and the floor where a fire had burned itself out .
10 He was not sure that he cared about the plot , if one existed .
11 There was something corrupt about the extent to which the British in Northern Nigeria cared about the loyalty of their subjects , and the lengths to which they went to cultivate what could in the end only be an illusion of mutual respect .
12 Surely she was too thin by far for a man 's taste , yet the one at her side today was a toff and no mistake , and it was obvious he cared about the girl by the way he kept looking at her with concern in his eyes .
13 ‘ There I only cared about the money and all the other teachers were the same .
14 Among friends and neighbours a farm worker 's skill was appreciated and he neither knew nor cared about the reputation of farm workers outside .
15 I think he cared about the murder of a world . ’
16 It would be a mistake , however , to dismiss this aspect of the Liberal reform programme as being of no legislative or historical significance , at least in so far as the preceding details have revealed that the different schemes were the result of much thought and argument on the part of a number of interest groups , each of which cared about the transition process , believing it to be critical for the economic and moral welfare of working-class youth .
17 And , if they could show him that they really cared about the Store , he would come out again and put a stop to all these problems and re-establish the Store here , in this green unpleasant land .
18 While the Doctor stalked about the room , or fiddled with the door , or argued with the guards , the three others had sat on the floor and exchanged their stories .
19 The child slept , sated with the wagon-restaurant food , and Albert mooched about the room and fought with the bed-sized pillow that the Swiss take to be practical as an eiderdown .
20 Like many socialists and intellectuals educated in the traditions of the high establishment , he fussed about the education of his own children and about the schools to which they might go .
21 But while Francis and Mary fussed about the situation in Edinburgh , setting up an enquiry into what had happened to the burgh council , in February 1560 the Protestant lords did something ideologically much less courageous than their deposition of the regent , but in practical terms infinitely more crucial : they made the Treaty of Berwick with England , and were assured of English help .
22 I 'll keep you posted about the autumn training — provisionally planned for 20–21 November .
23 When he asked about the lack of black faces , he was told that no blacks had qualified for the university because of the institution 's high standards .
24 When you asked about the phone call I tried to remember everything and I do n't know what else I could have told you .
25 Bodo asked about the building trade in West Germany , Herr Nordern about economic planning , Frau Nordern was curious about the social welfare services , and Paul asked about rock and roll , about which Karl modestly denied all knowledge .
26 Member for Dundee , East asked about the purpose of the meetings that will take place with the trade unions .
27 The OPCS survey asked about the ability to undertake a variety of specific activities ; it did not ask about severity of limitation .
28 One of the kids asked about the foal and it suddenly occurred to me they 'd like to see all the mares , so I had them brought inside specially for visitors ' day . "
29 There was a murmur of agreement from the assembled men , then Springfield asked about the burst of gunfire he 'd heard not long after they 'd entered the grounds .
30 A Japanese man came in and asked about the china ducks .
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