Example sentences of "[vb past] time and again " in BNC.

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1 That last phrase occurred time and again .
2 Terry Biddlecombe on Greek Scholar did likewise , Brian Hetcher remounted Red Alligator , Pat McCarron tried time and again to get Freddie through the sea of flailing legs and eventually did so .
3 An affirmative response meant the repudiation of one 's religious heritage , which happened time and again as monks who had sworn obedience to the pope became his mortal enemies , as nuns who had taken vows of celibacy entered matrimony , and as priests denounced the Catholic Mass as an abomination .
4 Two themes to which she returned time and again were the plight of the needy , and soldiers .
5 The man whom Sergeant Bird ushered in through the door seemed to be buckling at the knees , and his Adam 's apple jerked furiously in his throat as he swallowed time and again .
6 The classic route , proved time and again by waves of immigrants , is education .
7 But Brian said time and again that it was the ‘ personal touch ’ he valued .
8 Angry , frustrated , humiliated — all the usual emotions experienced time and again in his presence .
9 The recognition of parents who intentionally harmed their children could not be easily accommodated within the understanding of what these services were there to do : the scandals and the subsequent enquiries revealed time and again that social workers could not see what to lay people was painfully obvious , and what lawyers and other professionals ( with the benefit of hindsight ) constructed to be their duty to recognize .
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