Example sentences of "[vb past] take [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All patients stopped taking any acid inhibitory agents at least two weeks before entering the study and none had received bismuth preparations in the past .
2 This course , modified to take one day , was repeated in January for the officers in charge of Evening Duty and in March for those next in seniority in the evenings .
3 The structure of the skull , jaws , and gills of vertebrates has been interpreted , after a long and sophisticated study , as a filter-feeding device modified to take larger prey , fused to a bony box protecting the brain .
4 She had been relieved when he first appeared in it ; it was bright blue striped with red , expensive , obviously new , a reassuring sign that the mother she had never met and of whom he never spoke , tried to take good care of him .
5 ‘ We tried to take Grand Met to a tribunal but they refused .
6 But he never tried to take any food from the other children .
7 And they 've taken the free kick quickly and tried to take full advantage of the situation and the referee has said you ca n't do that .
8 ‘ I tried to take some pressure off him by saying if we saw him before Christmas it would be a bonus .
9 Anyway , all that — and the Rogan Josh , which I 'd took real sweat over right down to serving it with iced bottles of Kingfisher lager and quarters of lime and rice fried with egg and to hell with the risk of salmonella — was before Billy Tuckett dropped in .
10 Slowly she imagined taking one step after another until she reported that she could physically go no further because the slope of the ceiling was so steep .
11 The priest whom she eventually accosted took one look at her , an ill-proportioned , arrogant child with cheap clips in her gaudy hair , and started grilling her for an address .
12 He 'd taken one look at her ashen face , and steered her out of the swirling throngs of people without needing to be asked .
13 I was carrying wall units and I 'd taken fourteen wall units one after another up two flights of stairs .
14 Lynn Carter had put in her time down there on the sexual shop floor — there were two teenage sons to prove it — but now she 'd taken early retirement .
15 Unable to face his wife in the bungalow in High Park Avenue and fearful of meeting her in one of the shops if he hung about the town , he set off for another walk along the beach , striking out this time in the opposite direction from the one he 'd taken that morning .
16 He could n't fathom why she 'd taken such exception to Eleanor .
17 Once or twice he 'd gone to great lengths to deceive me but , more often , he 'd taken little trouble to cover his tracks .
18 Her motives unclear , even to herself , she 'd taken enormous trouble with her face after her bath , disguising the bruise with a cover-up stick , accenting her eyes with a hint of shadow .
19 At quarter to eleven her old friend Jerry , the Valium addict , wandered in complaining of stomach pains and said he 'd taken another overdose .
20 He 'd taken another cigarette !
21 ‘ If I 'd taken more trouble with economics I might have been more effective as Prime Minister .
22 If you 'd taken more care … ’
23 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
24 They 'd taken this information back .
25 The time to consider whether one wishes to opt out and whether one was opposed to a certain system is always when a decision has been made , but I 'd have thought it would have been far in the interests of the people of Banbury and the children and parents of Banbury if they 'd taken full advantage of the discussion on the tertiary college and had made their opinions known , and in the light of the results coming out and say a satisfactory decision had arisen that was frankly the time to get into the business of opting out .
26 And he 'd taken some alcohol either just before , or with his meal .
27 The Gotobeds were bad owners , you see ; our dad was killed by a rock fall that would never have happened , Mr Evans says , if they 'd taken proper safety precautions .
28 As he prepared to take full advantage of the situation he suddenly recalled a horrible memory .
29 He seemed to take great delight in taking the church for a ride .
30 Though interested in nature , I was still frightened by the demands of the Great Beast and hung back , watching jealously how the coquettish Lady Francesca seemed to take great interest in Benjamin but remained impervious to my own presence .
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