Example sentences of "[vb past] so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Proponents of this approach tend to feel that the changes made so far do not go far enough , however , and that excessive consideration for the biological parent-child relationship is still being allowed to put the child 's future at risk .
2 All the effort and all the investment made so far has effectively gone to waste .
3 A spokesman said the complaints made so far have tended to be of a civil nature , but added : If we receive a complaint which can be substantiated then we will investigate it .
4 It is thanks to these men of ability and vision that the deaf communities in Britain became so well established and respected , and that the deaf communities were drawn together into a national movement which after a false start exists to this day in the British Deaf Association .
5 ‘ I think what I am trying to explain to you , ’ she said , ‘ is that over the years I became so completely cowed and dominated by this monster of an aunt that when she gave me an order , no matter what it was , I obeyed it instantly .
6 Along with Francois Truffaut , Claude Chabrol and other contributors , he became a director himself , and the brilliance of their early work was one of the reasons their views became so firmly enshrined .
7 I know of one company where everyone became so highly motivated that most of them left , because they now found frustrating a pace which they had found acceptable before .
8 We do not know why New Town , on Poole Bay , failed so completely to come off .
9 Dougal was relieved that Miss Devenish agreed so readily to see him .
10 One day he set off for Barnard Castle to address a meeting , but got so hopelessly drunk on the journey he was unable to speak on his arrival .
11 This recovery has been made necessary because , as we have seen , the rhetorical and historical use of anthropology got so disastrously mixed up in the work of the founders and produced a false picture of the idyllic classless community which was later termed primitive communism and then got further confused with the type of society the Marxists were trying to construct in the future .
12 To commemorate these key events in world history , Saga is looking into organising various reunions and commemorative tours , gathering together those who fought so gallantly to revisit and remember those events of nearly 50 years ago .
13 The two cases analysed so far have been chosen so as to clearly reveal , in a very simple context , the method of determining transient response through Laplace transformation .
14 Gibson 's ( 1969 ) account of these effects suggests that discrimination training may not be necessary but the same conclusion can be derived from more prosaic considerations — it might be argued , for instance , that the results described so far reflect no more than a disruption in control subjects confronted by novel stimuli at the start of the test discrimination .
15 The sociological models described so far needed to be recast .
16 The activities described so far have been concerned with periodically recurring factors relating to corporate planning and monitoring of results as part of functional management .
17 All the characteristics listed so far tell of the leader 's relationship with God ( 'looking up' ) .
18 In March 1939 he gave the Boutwood Foundation lectures at Corpus Christi College , Cambridge , in which he outlined the kind of society which he wished to see established , a society which actively advanced the values and principles which he found so signally lacking in Neville Chamberlain 's England .
19 Most of the studies reviewed so far focus on people 's attitudes to domestic energy use and equipment , an aspect of their immediate daily life .
20 All the critics mentioned so far kept their criticism within certain limits .
21 The bottom dwellers mentioned so far tend to prefer the shallower waters of the continental shelf .
22 All theoretical treatments of the quantised Hall effect proposed so far require there to be no dissipative scattering if they are to account for the values of h/Ne 2 at the plateaux .
23 We do not yet know much about this but the brain is so powerful and complex that it is very unlikely that any of the analyses proposed so far bear much resemblance to this reality ; they are too heavily influenced by the theoretician 's preoccupation with economy , elegance and simplicity .
24 The points made , the order of delivery and even some of the phrases used so closely resemble Scott 's first letter to Palmerston that it seems likely that Elcho had been briefed by Scott .
25 The cross-section data used so far gives us little indication about how many workers continue in employment long enough to recoup the wages that were deferred earlier in their career .
26 Fourteen of the 23 Group Three games played so far have ended in a draw and they are a point behind joint leaders the Republic and Lithuania .
27 So you think this vitiated all the economic planning that you 'd so carefully prepared for ?
28 Surely he could n't remain unmoved in the atmosphere she 'd so skilfully created ?
29 Those were words she 'd so desperately wanted to hear .
30 Although his head was throbbing almost intolerably , he 'd felt sober enough to ring for breakfast in his room , and had done his best to contemplate the ‘ Full English ’ he 'd so foolishly ordered for 7 a.m .
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