Example sentences of "[vb past] as if she " in BNC.

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1 Iris glowed as if she had received a personal compliment .
2 But he merely looked embarrassed and said : ‘ Oh — hi ! ’ as he passed as if she was just a casual acquaintance .
3 Groaning as if in physical pain , she rocked herself back and forth in her chair — her teeth bared as if she was grimacing at some diabolical joke .
4 She moved as if she were in a dream , wading through viscous liquid .
5 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
6 He had a young wife who , although she was thirty years his junior , loved him dearly or , at any rate , behaved as if she did .
7 That 's to say , she had firm features and smartly cut , possibly dyed hair obviously kept under regular control , and she behaved as if she had known a time when she turned every head and expected you to be aware of this too .
8 A young lady stood near the very centre of the circle , still on the arm of a much older gentleman whose attentive pose betokened a parental or protective association with his eager , fashionable young companion , who behaved as if she were very conscious of being watched and admired .
9 Turakina behaved as if she was seeing the offworlder for the first time .
10 He did n't once look at her ; he behaved as if she were n't even there .
11 She behaved as if she owned the place .
12 This girl seemed as if she wanted to become our friend .
13 While the early days of autumn lasted , it seemed as if she might settle down .
14 It seemed as if she 's been awaiting this opportunity for years .
15 Again it seemed as if she was about to say something but changed her mind .
16 It seemed as if she could n't do anything right and everyone grumbled at her .
17 To my childish imagination it seemed as if she was still alive to what was happening and was showing her disapproval .
18 Yet she had timed her appearance so exactly that it seemed as if she had been forewarned of the train 's arrival .
19 It seemed as if she was facing a sea of glittering gowns .
20 Even then it was difficult : it seemed as if she would , quite understandably , always resent the way the relationship had begun .
21 Einzig was so frequently seen in Minton 's company that to outsiders it seemed as if she became his other half .
22 In fact , it seemed as if she was actually enjoying it .
23 For there was about her cage a silence and stillness so great that it seemed as if she had disappeared .
24 Sarah seemed as if she were about to say something else , then thought better of it .
25 Here she felt lonely and depressed , as it seemed as if she 'd made no progress and was back in the same vicious circle again .
26 For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from him , then she nodded , and , still weeping , allowed herself to be led away .
27 Seemed as if she had that one last flare of light before she went out . ’
28 Cranston , however , acted as if she was an old friend , flattered and fussed her .
29 The woman on the screen frowned as if she were having difficulty seeing them .
30 Alexei met Mei Ling 's enquiring gaze , and after a moment she nodded as if she understood .
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