Example sentences of "[vb past] what [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That is why I described what happened earlier as a stupid procedural diversion .
2 It validated what had previously only been personal impressions : that the work was variable , time consuming , complex and required considerable skill .
3 Sybil and Melissa mounted what had once been an imposing flight of steps flanked by tall white pillars and peered at the labels alongside the row of bell-pushes in a corroding brass frame affixed to the wall beside the front door .
4 Outside , in the rain , it turned what had once been its head up to look at the storm .
5 Their work also confirmed what had long been suspected : which is that the majority of creatures on Earth are insects , and most of them are beetles .
6 What happened what happened really in , in Russia and China is er that they had a sort of captive lower class who 'd been used to a very authoritarian kind of rule so they were able to impose communism from above .
7 I did n't when I discovered what happened afterwards of course . ’
8 Johnny Smart , who 'd been at Oxford with him and edited one of the university magazines , landed what seemed then an amazing job on the Evening Standard .
9 I developed what amounted almost to a fetish about toasters .
10 Lowe represented what had always been the basis of the project until then — the concerned , upmarket readership of Right-Ons which was the perfect setting for a talking-shop .
11 He knew what had already befallen every kinsman with whom Nicholas had come in contact .
12 Killed while resisting capture — everyone had accepted the report , though they all knew what had really happened .
13 She knew what to do there .
14 Somehow , I knew what existed here went back to the ancient history of my people .
15 ‘ They had been covered up by layers of varnish and paint over the years and no-one knew what lay underneath . ’
16 Caroline realised that she was floundering in such a morass of conflicting emotions that she hardly knew what to resent most .
17 In front of him on the desk lay what looked improbably like a holiday brochure .
18 He touched the brake gently as the Mercedes reached the bend and although he saw what lay ahead of him he had only a split second in which to react — a blue transit van parked in the slow lane of the dual carriageway and , kneeling beside it , a youth partially hidden behind a tripod-mounted anti-tank launcher .
19 ‘ You saw what happened tonight .
20 As we droned back in time from one lost place to another , I fondly remembered what had previously seemed by bad travel stories .
21 Butler gave what have often been considered decisive arguments against the doctrine of psychological hedonism .
22 Clare had such a sense of adventure — and it was this love of an active life that made what happened doubly hard to bear .
23 One might say that the architect 's or engineer 's conception of a model replaced what had hitherto been the accountant 's model — C6H6 , the mere counting of atoms — in the chemical formula .
24 Mary Lennox had heard a great deal about Magic in her Ayah 's stories , and she always said what happened almost at that moment was Magic .
25 While she worked she wondered what had really been wrong with William .
26 — But privately she wondered what had really prompted Paul Gray .
27 I know I wondered what happened there , I thought maybe it was the cleaners trying to hoover behind I really ought to change my bed clothes but I do n't remember the last time I did it
28 The turf , dense and springy after the summer 's rain , was rolled into even stripes which led the eye away to the pine woods in the middle distance ; the forest obscured what had once been an inspiring view of the valley of the Dee , but shielded the castle from curious passers-by on the road that followed the river banks .
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