Example sentences of "[vb past] [interj] i have " in BNC.

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1 Well last night I thought oh I 'd better cut her toenails cos I had n't done them for weeks like .
2 Turn over then and go back to sleep for an hour and thought oh I 've got ta get up now the dog 's whining to go out , then we get up then when the dog starts whining to go out .
3 I thought oh I 've got it !
4 it 's just as I 've started in n it , I thought oh I have n't pulled the handbrake off , you know , but , it wo n't go any higher
5 I once nearly read her diary and I thought no I 'd better not
6 you know when , I 've always wanted one but I thought no I have n't got the money just now .
7 and I sort of like walked out the door and went yeah I 've thought about it .
8 Du n no , had to me Theresa were n't ready , did n't expect until eight o'clock , I thought yeah I 've got ten minutes , sitting in my bedroom drinking a cup of tea and I heard this bing
9 It did no I had an E on the er
10 I remember a wee boy in the class I was in in the primary school and he got a row he I remember him getting a row from the teacher and he s the teacher said what did you do wrong and he said oh I 've gone and putten putten where I should 've putten put
11 She said oh I 've got to write down a credit limit .
12 Er we saw her one day she said oh I 've got the keys by the way .
13 And I said oh when was that and she said just after you 'd gone to the bank and I said oh I 've just spoken to him .
14 so , anyway , she must of thought about this , so she called on Monday , and she said oh I 've been thinking Michael 'll need electric for the drill
15 And he said oh I 've been taking it out of one of our own caravans , our own caravans he said .
16 He said oh I 've come a bit too early have I ?
17 And I er was talking to her down the lane when Mrs Monday and I asked her how she was and she said oh I 've had a few falls in the house and all .
18 He said oh I 've invited Aunty Joan but nobody else cos I did n't fancy any of the others .
19 Well she phoned and umm asked how Oliver was and everything and just said oh how are you and I said oh I 've not been feeling very well over the weekend .
20 And I said oh I 've got a present for you so I want to see you give it to you .
21 he said you know what is it and I showed him a piece like , he said oh I he said yes , I said I 've taken the nails out that I did n't see , he said oh I 've got a metal detector here
22 yes , I got a bit tired out because erm somebody mentioned table tennis and I said oh I 've been wanting a game for years !
23 I said , no , and she said oh I have lots of times , I only live at Manchester , you see , and of course , you had to go by boat you see , and I caught the boat train from Ipswich at eight o'clock in the morning and I got to Manchester at lunchtime about one and then went on to Liverpool and the train there took us almost down to the docks .
24 I said here I said got she said oh I have to go into cash now I suppose I have to owe you another bleeding pound here you are .
25 I said bye then see you sometime , bye and I put the phone down , and she said what does she want then and I said oh she wanted to know where , you know she 'd gone and I said oh I have n't seen her all week you know after , while we was hanging , she was hanging pictures , erm , she come through , she said oh they look wonderful she said I 've got pictures she said , I want my mountain put up in my lounge , with that June burst out laughing , Neil went through and he , he put her pictures up and he was gone there , he said , god he said , you know literally it 's a day to hang pictures , I said well do n't worry about it , you know , that 's what he said to do
26 She said oh I have n't seen you .
27 a proper one , hi Holly , alright love , so I went , left it and then I went called back last night after college and he said oh I have n't done it yet come on he said we 'll whiz it on the band saw , put it on the band saw and he 'd taken two nails out that you could n't see you know the , the old stamped cast iron ones , the ends had snapped off
28 what 's her name Mrs erm was there , Margaret and she said oh I have a table !
29 I said no I had that bloody cup of coffee you made .
30 But she said no I 'd better come tomorrow with Paula as well .
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