Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She says , Ali Carver , she said they 'd been to that last Saturday night with a couple from and she said they paid fifteen pound just them
2 ‘ They 'd been to other schools and the standard is high ?
3 So as far as this meeting 's concerned , erm , most of our meetings are basically business meetings , but we , we have tried and we will try to put in speakers and , and do different things from time to time , we had er , er a woman last time who 'd been to Central America recently and she gave us a very interesting talk on a visit to El Salvador and Guatamala , erm , and we , we 'd like to do that more often , but , but what we do really erm , to begin with any rate , is we go th we go through the , the headings on this sheet , on the , on the minutes , we use them as headings for others and erm , items on the agenda and er some may have more to say than others and there are one or two not on there which we 'll pop in as we go along .
4 ‘ Because you 'd been to Nice .
5 And how did you know we 'd been to Nice ? ’
6 I 'd been to thirteen convents but I had n't really been to school properly because I was working by the time I was thirteen .
7 All about how terrible we 'd been to one of the new teachers , how you could understand some of the other classes doing that , but not us , and you banged the desk so hard all the books fell off and we fell about laughing , and you had to laugh too , you could n't keep a straight face .
8 But one , one of the coloured chaps where Tasha works said he was he 'd been to one of these Blind Dates , he was on but we have n't come across him yet have we ?
9 Now she 'd done some training as a secretary — she 'd been to secretarial college .
10 And this was the day to do it the Women of the North lunch in Harrogate , like the Woman of the Year in London ‘ only much friendlier and more fun ’ according to a lady who 'd been to both .
11 She 'd been to three lectures .
12 Although before this year he 'd been to fewer golf tournaments than we had cold drinks on that hot September afternoon , he still has fond memories of watching Arnold Palmer win the Colonial NIT close to his hometown of Dallas in 1962 .
13 It was developed originally to promulgate priestly or legislative initiatives , and since these were collective and in some sense impersonal productions , what the writer meant was to all intents and purposes recoverable from what he wrote down .
14 I was spellbound : I had never known anybody who had been to such a faraway country .
15 The difficulty of interpreting such information is highlighted though by the fact that this educated elite , two-thirds of whom had been to public schools and universities , chose as their leader a man who had been to neither .
16 Often there was scant evidence of academic activity , and this prompted criticism from some of those users who had been to mainstream schools .
17 Vichy , Spa , Baden-Baden , Aix-les-Bains , but above all the great international spas of the Habsburg monarchy , Gastein , Marienbad , Karlsbad , etc. , were to nineteenth-century Europe what Bath had been to eighteenth-century England , fashionable gatherings justified by the excuse of drinking some form of disagreeable mineral waters or immersing oneself in some form of liquid under the control of a benevolent medical dictator .
18 Changing the subject quickly , I wondered how great an inspiration she had been to all those women out there in their 40s who lacked her drive to embark on a new career .
19 She had been to all the parentcraft classes , and had not learnt a thing . ’
20 Before Abbotsfield , he had been to all intents and purposes an honorary member of the Molland family .
21 In the view of private and public critics of the Wilberforce sons there was more than filiopietism at issue in their charge that Clarkson claimed leadership in the cause when their father was entitled to it ; they suggested Clarkson had been to all intents and purposes a paid agent of the Abolition Committee .
22 Her husband had been to all those places shortly before his death .
23 Only with an effort did those who had been to all the other parties locate one another and separate themselves from the mob .
24 Britain 's initial position of support for Cramra had been to all intents and purposes relinquished by the end of the meeting .
25 Only thirty-four had been to other secondary schools , scarcely more than the number from the second most popular public school , Harrow .
26 A few had been to other universities , to Sandhurst , Dartmouth or an agricultural college , making 190 in all who had had some form of higher education .
27 According to a friend Patricia had been to two fortune tellers recently .
28 Rain asked whether he had been to Sabine Jourdain 's home .
29 She had been to Nice countless times .
30 ‘ You never did tell me just exactly what you and Marianne had been to each other in the past . ’
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